VIVESCIA Industries Shareholders' Newsletter 2023-2024

An annual update for shareholders highlighting key developments, achievements, and industry insights for the year.

SHAREHOLDERS Newsletter 2023-2024

Registered office in Reims 2, rue Clment Ader, 51100 Reims +33 (0)3 26 78 62 00 Graphic design: Anthony Texeira DotStudio Copywriting and editorial design: Corine Delahaye, Valrie Desprets and VIVESCIAs communication department Photo credits: Axel Coeuret, Guillaume Czerw, Benot Pelletier, Stphanie Ttu, Vincent Leclerc, Valerie Lhomme, Charles Nilovic, Syda Productions, Homelan, La Coopration Agricole, Malteurop; and Grands Moulins de Paris, Francine, Dlifrance, KALIZEA, and VIVESCIAs photo libraries Printed by: Galaxy. This document is printed on paper from sustainably managed and PEFC-certified forests. Published by VIVESCIA Groups communication department November 2024

VIVESCIA Industries is a major player in the grain-processing industry with deep agricultural and cooperative roots. Our purpose is to maximise the value of grain, from field to fork, in France and across four continents. We are experts in six industries: milling, frozen bakery, malting, maize processing, animal nutrition, and industrial biotechnologies. We develop socially committed and responsible processing value chains: wheat-flour-bread/ viennoiserie; barley-malt; and milling maize. Enhancing the sustainability of our business model in line with our sustainable development policy, LINK, is a constant focus for our highly skilled and motivated teams. 2,000 beers brewed with Malteurop malt are enjoyed every second worldwide 25 countries 5,800 employees 2.9 billion euros turnover 185 million euros EBITDA VIVESCIA Industries IN brIef 66 55 production sites around the world 1 Francine product purchased every second in France Source: Circana 2023 1 in 3 French artisan bakers works with Grands Moulins de Paris viennoiseries produced worldwide every second by Dlifrance 03 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

VIVESCIA industries generated record EBITDA this year. This is obviously excellent news, and something we can all be proud of... I know how hard our teams have worked to develop, grow and innovate in a complex and uncertain economic environment. Sluggish global consumption, the effects of inflation, high interest rates, and volatile commodities markets have hit us throughout the year. VIVESCIA Industries EBITDA for the year ending 30 June 2024 was 24% higher than the previous financial year. All the strategic plans rolled out since 2018 have borne fruit, particularly for our malting and frozen bakery businesses. Malteurops EBITDA has grown by more than 30% in the last two years, making it among the highest in the industry. Dlifrance doubled its EBITDA compared to the previous financial year, with a 78% increase since 2020. Grands Moulins de Paris has seen renewed sales growth and captured market share while strengthening services provided to artisan bakers through the new version of its e-commerce site. Francine, which will celebrate its 60 th anniversary in 2025, consolidated its leading market position, well ahead of private label brands, and its market share in value terms is growing. KALIZEA has posted record EBITDA, and NEALIAs results are holding out in a deteriorating, unsustainable competitive environment. There are promising developments in the biotechnology industry with plant-based technologies and non-fossil carbon sources, which are ARDs areas of expertise. C H R I S T O P H B R E N P R E S I D E N T O F S I C O M , V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S G E N E R A L P A R T N E R A NEW CHAPTER IS OPENING... 04

Visits with cooperative and institutional shareholders - Seville malting plant, May 2024 1. In June 2024, the international organisation Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) certified VIVESCIA Groups 2030 climate change mitigation targets: - 29% on total emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3 - FLAG method), including - 42% on greenhouse gas emissions that VIVESCIA is directly responsible for (scope 1 and 2). Created following the Paris Agreement, and the product of a collaboration between several institutions around the world, including the UN, the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is now the benchmark in terms of helping companies set emissions reduction targets. FLAG is a new sector-based carbon methodology created in 2023 for forests and agriculture. It applies to parts of VIVESCIA Groups scope 3 emissions. Thanks to an ambitious yet measured investment policy of more than 400 million, over the last five years, VIVESCIA Industries continues to increase its competitiveness and develop new production capacity, while pursuing its innovation plans and sustainability programmes. VIVESCIA Industries 6,000 employees have put everything their passion, their talents and their expertise into achieving these results, and we thank them. With these solid foundations, every business is now better equipped to cope with the challenges agri-business faces. Decarbonisation and competitiveness are inseparable, just as biodiversity and economics are interdependent. Our food processing businesses, and the VIVESCIA Cooperative, have turned a corner. We have started combining good financial results with good environmental and social results. We will continue preparing for the future by positioning all our processing businesses to thrive in tomorrows markets! That is the purpose of the strategic economic plans developed as part of Project VIVESCIA 2030; it is also the strength of our sustainable development policy, LINK, which has been adapted to the reality of each business unit with stronger climate commitments, now SBTi-certified according to FLAG 1 ; a first step has been made towards our nature strategy in accordance with the SBTn methodology; our environmental management charter is being rolled out to all VIVESCIA industries companies... It is obviously also the purpose of, and the strength of, our pioneering TRANSITIONS programme, driven by the VIVESCIA Cooperative, which aims to help nearly 1,000 farmers transition to regenerative, resilient agriculture that is good for the planet, mitigates climate change, and boosts biodiversity. Because it bears repeating: a successful, large- scale transition of agri-food industries requires a collective response from the entire value chain, to share the costs... Malteurop, Grands Moulins de Paris, Dlifrance and KALIZEA joined TRANSITIONS in autumn 2023 and are working with their customers to develop solutions together. We will devote nearly 100 million to sustainable development and decarbonisation between now and 2030. Resolutely focused on the future, VIVESCIA Industries is ready to write a new chapter in its history, to adapt in a context of strong competition and rapidly changing consumer expectations. 05 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

VIVESCIA Industries sales volumes were impacted during the 2023-2024 financial year by the decline in global consumption due to a fall in purchasing power. It was a mixed year in terms of exposure given the continued volatility of the price of raw materials and inputs, as well as the gradual decline in energy prices and the increase in interest rates. The global geopolitical context was an additional cause of volatility and uncertainty throughout the year. Our malting business was confronted with a sluggish beer market, particularly on premium beer segments. In this market environment, operational action plans have helped to offset the decline in sales, enabling Malteurop to deliver satisfactory results. Our new malting plant, in Mexico, inaugurated in October 2023, ramped up to full capacity during the past year. The milling and frozen bakery businesses are growing thanks to a proactive commercial policy implemented towards the end of the last financial year. Innovation and the optimisation of manufacturing and logistics has enabled Dlifrance to boost its market share, especially in the retail sector, and to generate EBITDA in excess of budget forecasts. Our milling business has recovered on the artisan bakery market thanks to the efficient management of commercial activities. Grands Moulins de Paris also continued its digitalisation strategy, in particular with further development of its artisan bakery marketplace, the first of its kind in France. The Francine brand is robust and remains retail market leader in value terms faced with private label. Francine will celebrate its 60 th anniversary in 2025. The malting, frozen bakery and milling businesses which together represent 90% of VIVESCIA Industries turnover recorded sales of 2.6 billion, down 3.7% on the previous year. Our regional animal nutrition business continues to grow on the most buoyant market segments, despite strong competition and the effects of climate change, which have impacted its business. Our maize processing business has posted record EBITDA despite falling sales volumes on a sluggish market, thanks to agile commercial management. Our biotechnologies business continues its dynamic growth on a market that was down slightly during the first half of 2023-2024. In total, VIVESCIA Industries turnover was 2,863.50 million, down 4.6% compared to the previous financial year. This can be explained by declining consumption combined with falling grain prices. EBITDA is up significantly to 185.2 million, + 36.4 million compared to the previous financial year. All the projects implemented by our manufacturing, logistics, and commercial teams and support functions have consolidated these results. VIVESCIA Industries debts fell by 24.4 million to 511 million as a direct consequence of falling grain prices and working capital requirement despite high interest rates and sustained investment, in particular on decarbonisation projects. FINANCIA l ANALY s IS F R D R I C K A S A K S P E R S P E C T I V E V I V E S C I A G R O U P S C F O D I R E C T O R O F V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S ( S I N C E J U N E 2 0 2 4 ) 06

Turnover (in millions of euros) EBITDA (in millions of euros) Net debt (in millions of euros) 185 2023-2024 2023-2024 2023-2024 2022-2023 2022-2023 2022-2023 10% OTHER INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES 18% MILLING 30% FROZEN BAKERY Breakdown of turnover by region Breakdown of turnover by business 42% MALTING 3 001 535 149 2/3 Europe and rest of the world 1/3 France FINANCIAL INDICATORS FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE 2024 % 2 863 511 07 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

SICOM, TH e GENE r AL PA rt NE r Audit committee External director SICOM, THE GENERAL PARTNER DIRECTORS SUPERVISORY BOARD 7 M E M B E R S Strategic orientations, decisions, on budgets, investments, divestments and acquisitions T O P M A N A G E M E N T Performance management 1 3 M E M B E R S 3 O B S E R V E R S Management control, auditing the accounts, shareholder relations, setting the reference share price for the trading platform. C H R I S T O P H B R E N President A L B A N C O L L A R D Administrator of VIVESCIA J E A N - M A R C L O N G U E T Administrator of VIVESCIA S Y L V A I N H I N S C H B E R G E R Administrator of VIVESCIA R O S S M C I N N E S External director, Chairman of Safrans Board of Directors A R N A U D L E G R O M D E M A R E T Managing Director of EMC2 E M M A N U E L R O U G I E R External director, former Managing Director of Limagrain Gov E r NAN ce 08

C H R I S T I N E M O N D O L L O T Member appointed by Bpifrance T H I E R R Y N I C E Administrator of VIVESCIA E M M A N U E L V I E I L L A R T Administrator of VIVESCIA J E A N - P A U L V I N O T Vice-president of Novagrain SUPE r VISORY BOARD ON 30 JUNE 2024 J A C K Y G O U B A U L T Administrator of VIVESCIA N I C O L A S D E M O U R Y Chairman P I E R R E Z A C H A R I A S Administrator of EMC2 C H R I S T O P H E G R I S O N President of CLOVIS Holding F L O R E N C E A L I N Observer representing Unigrains X AV I E R D O R C H I E S Observer representing Sofiprotol L O U I S J A I L L A N T Administrator of VIVESCIA J U L I E N B A D U R A U X Administrator of EMC2 D A M I E N F O S S E P R E Z Administrator of VIVESCIA S B A S T I E N M O Y N O T Observer representing Bpifrance L A U R E N T B E R T H E Administrator of VIVESCIA M A R I E G A I L L I O T Administrator of VIVESCIA 09 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

3 QU e STI o NS FO r NICOLAS DEMOURY C H A I R M A N O F T H E S U P E R V I S O R Y B O A R D How does the Supervisory Board view the 2023-2024 financial year? N.D. Were very impressed. How could we not be, when VIVESCIA Industries subsidiaries delivered such excellent results, even surpassing the budget forecasts! So we say really well done to all our teams especially as this year, once again, they were operating in a very challenging environment. Both the sales momentum they achieved and the efforts they made to keep costs down are commendable, and we must build on them a topic Ill return to later. Speaking for everyone on the supervisory board, I want to stress the need to continue investing in manufacturing whether thats on preventive maintenance or repairs, even if this accounts for a significant proportion of our margins. This investment is vital if were to maintain our position, keep innovating, and satisfy our customers expectations, both in terms of quality and environmental performance. In other words, if were to continue to grow and gain market share. VIVESCIA Industries really does see shareholders as partners... N.D. That's right. I really want to call attention to the maturity, patience and goodwill of our shareholders, whose backing, year after year, helps advance our companies interests. We maintain a positive, constructive dialogue with them. Our cooperative and institutional partners are all aware that were in a heavy industry, where maintenance and upgrades come at a significant financial cost. But everyones noticing how this cost is increasingly visible in the financials. This equity financing were doing, added to the cost of debt, is becoming a key issue for our shareholder partners, and justifiably so! We aim to translate their unfailing support into economic benefits as fast as we can. Both the SALES MOMEN t UM they achieved and the efforts they made to keep costs down AR e c OMM e NDABL e . " " 10

r E f E r ENC e SHAR e PRIC e 1. CLOVIS: Holding company of SCARA, Cooprative agricole de Lorraine, LORCA, and Valfrance. 2. Novagrain, Limagrain, 110 Bourgogne, Noriap, Esternay, Juniville, Interval. SHAR e H o LDE r S tr U ct UR e OCTOBER 2024 Whats next? N.D. Our assets continue to increase in value thanks the investments were making. The share price has risen to 30.14, reflecting this year's financial performance. Thats confirmation, from the independent expert who set this value, that the trajectory weve been on for the past few years is the right one. We must continue investing to improve our companies operational and environmental performance. I'm thinking, for instance, of our alternative energy projects in Spain and the new processing plant for locally produced soya in the Rethel region, in northern France. This of course won't alter the fact that things are difficult in the agricultural industry. The volatility of commodity prices in particular is still a concern. This means we have to stay extremely vigilant, both in the current circumstances and going forward. Thanks to the solid financial results we achieve year after year, were able to support our companies while also distributing some of the returns to our shareholders, be they cooperative, institutional, or individual investors. 78 % Farming cooperatives 17 % Financial partners 5 % Individual shareholders 4,180 individual shareholders at 30 June 2024 (employees and cooperative farmers, company investment fund) EMC2 9.06% Other cooperatives and institutional shareholders 2 5.97% VIVESCIA 55.16% CLOVIS 1 6.86% Unigrains 2.09% Sofiprotol 1.98% Bpifrance 13% Members of cooperatives, employees, and other shareholders 5.88% 11 VI V e S c I A I N D U S T r I e S S H A r e H O l D e r S N e W S l e T T e r 2 0 2 3


MALT PRODUCTION MALTEUROP One of the world's leading maltsters, a specialist of the barley-malt-beer industry, and a producer of malted ingredients. 16-17 MILLING GRANDS MOULINS DE PARIS Frances leading miller, known and renowned for its brands Francine, Campaillette, and Copaline. 18-19 FROZEN BAKERY DLIFRANCE A leading European frozen bakery manufacturer. BIOTECHNOLOGIES AND R&D ARD A research and development firm operating in the fields of industrial biotechnology, fractionation, and plant chemistry. 20 14-15 MAIZE PROCESSING KALIZEA Recognised European maize processor for the food industry. ANIMAL NUTRITION NEALIA The leading regional animal feed supplier and partner for livestock farmers in the north-east of France. 21 22 13 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

K E Y F I G U R E S 2,000 beers brewed with Malteurop malt are enjoyed every second worldwide 23 production sites in 14 countries 2.3 million tonnes malt production capacity SUCC es SFUL l AUN c H for Me O q UI 23,000 tonnes have been produced in Meoqui, Mexico, just a few months after the launch. The malt is made with barley grown by local farmers trained by VIVESCIA and Malteurop. How would you sum up 2022-2023? We saw improved results despite inflation, thanks to a strong customer focus, effective management of purchasing and pricing, and the ramping up of our Meoqui plant in Mexico. We rolled out the LINK by VIVESCIA sustainable development policy, and Heineken one of our biggest clients signed up to join VIVESCIAs TRANSITIONS programme. And on the safety front, we recorded the lowest accident rate in our companys history, proving that a culture of safety in the workplace is perfectly compatible with operational excellence. Malteurop seems to be prioritising large-scale partnerships centring on CSR Its true that our primary concern is to create value, whether that be for the business, the environment or for people. That's why we're developing a virtuous business model that inherently tackles CSR themes by improving efficiency, both in our production facilities and in upstream farming practices. We're accelerating this approach internationally, with Navarra 360 in Spain, for example. These collaborative ventures underscore our commitment to sustainability and innovation. What does that mean in practical terms? There are three pillars to our 2030 strategy: customers, innovation and CSR. As an example, were increasing our capacity to produce roasted malt in the US, and boosting production capacity in Spain. Were setting up an international open innovation network with commercial partners, research institutes and government agencies. With regard to CSR, were striving to extend the TRANSITIONS vision and principles to other clients, beyond Frances borders, and we will continue to focus relentlessly on decarbonising our malt production, and the procurement side of our operations, so we meet our SBTi FLAG targets. MALT O L I V I E R H A U T I N Managing Director of Malteurop l O o KING BACK w I th... 14

Regenerative AG r I c UL t UR e in Spain with N A v A rr A 360 This public-private initiative, led by the European consortium EIT Food, aims to help Navarras agricultural sector transition to a more sustainable and resilient model through improvements in soil quality, biodiversity, carbon footprint, water management, and socio-economic indicators. Alongside other agri-food players, we are helping 200 farmers implement regenerative farming practices on their farms. 3 EcoVadis medals received Intermalta, MaltIbrica, Diamalteria 60% fewer accidents compared to last year 0 accidents in 11 years in our Great Falls malting plant (USA) 3 countries certified Great Place to Work Following our first Great Place to Work survey, three countries have been certified: China, Mexico and New Zealand. A global plan has been implemented to maintain this momentum. HIG hl IG h T s ... He IN ek EN joins the TRANSITIONS P ro GRAMME A win-win-win partnership between VIVESCIA and its cooperative farmers, Heineken France, and Malteurop. Heineken France will soon be able to buy the first barley grown according to this large-scale, resilient, regenerative agricultural model. Certified 15 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

3 QU e STI o NS TO... P I E R R E G A R C I A Managing Director of Grands Moulins de Paris Would you say 2023-2024 was a good year? Definitely! We gained market share in the artisanal bakery segment, with strong growth in flour sales, and continued to increase sales on our e-commerce platform. The year also saw several major projects brought to a successful conclusion, which will strengthen our hundred-year-old company and help secure its future. Among other things, we completed the rollout of SAP software across our entire organisation. What other achievements are you happy about? Grands Moulins de Paris has fully taken on board the challenges of CSR, as illustrated by us implementing our LINK by GMP policy and playing an active role in VIVESCIAs TRANSITIONS programme. We're also very proud that we built a solid Francine 1 wheat supply chain jointly with VIVESCIA Cooperative with Club Francines 300 farmers. Now only their wheat is used to make Francine Bl T45 flour, a cornerstone of French cuisine! Will you continue to go after new business? Yes. Grands Moulins de Paris has the capacity to capture market share and innovate in all its segments. Developing our online sales channel is a major step forward in reaching our objectives. We intend to keep leveraging this while continuing to provide a high level of support to artisan bakers through our new customer relations programme, GMP PLUS, which all our customers can sign up to. On a final note, our iconic Francine brand will be celebrating its 60 th anniversary next year. Watch out for lots of events to mark this milestone anniversary! MILLING More than 4,200 SKUs available on the GMP marketplace Nearly 450 students trained every year by the Paris Bakery and Patisserie School 99% our gender equality index since 2022 Some figures on Francine, a key component of French consumers cooking experience: 1 Francine product purchased every second in France 1 34.5% market share 2 in value 94% brand awareness 3 among French consumers HIG hl IG h T s ... K E Y F I G U R E S 600,000 tonnes of flour produced on average every year 1. Source: Circana 2023. 2. Source: Circana total France CAM P7 2024 . 3. Source: Marque prfre des Franais study 2024 carried out by OpinionWay. 1. Environmental certification level 2 minimum. 1,000+ employees in France 16

800,000 tonnes of wheat milled each year, on average FI r ST e DI t ION of the Carrousel de la Boulangerie On 6 and 7 November 2023, Grands Moulins de Paris organised its first trade fair devoted to artisan bakers alongside 12 key partners. The event was organised at the Muse des Arts Forains, an intimate yet magical venue located just opposite the Paris Bakery and Patisserie School. An opportunity for friendly discussions between exhibitors and bakers we had more than 170 visitors in two days! A PAS tr Y FL o U r for AM Er ICAN consumers Grands Moulins de Paris has joined forces with Dominique Ansel, the famous French bakery chef pastry chef based in New York (the creator of the cronut), to create a flour range aimed at US-based baking fans. The first flour launched as part of this partnership was a pastry flour sold in convenient, resealable, leakproof, 750 g packs on Amazon and on Dominique Ansels website. LINK b Y GMP: the r OLLOU t continues #InitTogether That is the name of our communication campaign, which marked last year and will continue until the end of 2024. Numerous posts on social media presented concrete examples of initiatives carried out, as well as digital leaflets regularly updated and accessible at any time on our corporate website: The m A r KETPLA ce devoted to artisan BA k E rs is growing In just one year, the catalogue of products available on has grown from 800 to more than 4,200 SKUs, with the integration of our partners products. 17 V I V E S C I A I N D U S T R I E S S H A R E H O L D E R S N E W S L E T T E R 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4

R O B E R T O B O Y L E Managing Director of Dlifrance The years INNOVA t IONS New products added to the Les Passionns, Extra-Ordinary, and Impact ranges. The Panitaly brand gets a makeover, with the premium Italian bread range opening up to international markets. Dlifrance Extra-Ordinary Dlifrance Impact by Rodolphe Landemaine FROZEN BAKERY Whats your view of the 2023-2024 financial year? Dlifrance continued to grow and is back to delivering robust results, both in sales and financial terms. These results are the fruit of efforts on many fronts: pursuing a solid programme of continuous improvement across manufacturing, the supply chain and purchasing; the adaptability shown by our workforce in a volatile environment; and implementing a long-term strategy aimed at conquering the foodservice market and providing end- to-end support for our customers. Hows the frozen bakery sector faring? It remains buoyant, but were seeing some real behavioural shifts. Inflation over the last two years has led to a change in out-of-home consumption habits. With their purchasing power under pressure, consumers are increasingly opting to eat at home. Whats more, as they become more environmentally aware, people increasingly want more eco-responsible products although paradoxically, they want them to be just as rich in flavour. Meanwhile, demand for premium products remains strong. The past financial year we saw a marked trend towards consolidation in the industry, and this is set to continue. Tell us about the outlook. Were conscious that the raw materials and ingredients markets are still very volatile, especially for butter and cocoa. Risk management is a major challenge, and one that were thoroughly practised in tackling. Now that our fundamentals are back on track, well continue to pursue growth. Our priorities are crystal-clear: to continually optimise operational efficiency, to support our customers as business partners, and to win new business in the foodservice sector. In parallel well be ramping up the implementation of low-carbon solutions, both in our production facilities and in our sourcing of raw materials. To this end, weve signed up to the TRANSITIONS programme with our counterparts at Grands Moulins de Paris, and were rolling out our Baking Good Better plan, in line with VIVESCIAs sustainability policy, LINK. 3 QU e STI o NS TO... Dlifrance makes A c OMEBACK to trade fairs With a new booth design and a croissant bar. 18

A NEW AD HOC l INE for the Dlifrance e X t RA- ORDINA r Y range This range is composed of highly technical, handmade products. It is therefore impossible to produce it on high-speed lines. So a dedicated line was installed in Landvant (Brittany) to provide greater flexibility and adaptability in terms of product development and production. And the launch was successful! Also worth noting is the successful launch of modified atmosphere packaging patisserie products in Landvant. K E Y F I G U R E S 14 production sites, half of which are in France 80 % of turnover generated on international markets 66 viennoiserie products produced and sold by Dlifrance around the world every second OP e RA t IONAL efficiency and optimisation of production c APA c I t Y All our viennoiserie sites are now operating in five shifts of eight hours to maximise capacity; Theix (Brittany) was transformed for the successful launch of the Patisserie Clean project; several key investments have been made in our factories to reduce our environmental footprint; launch of a new Rheon line in Aldorf (Germany) to increase our bread production capacity; and launch of the Harnes warehouse (northern France). Innovations... and prizes! The Dlifrance Extra-Ordinary Caramel Babka received the Snacking dor, and the cinnamon bun won a Ppites de la Boulangerie 2023 award. Online Dlifrance ramps up its online presence... With the launch of Dlifrances blog for food service operators, Bakery Trend Spotter, which positions the brand as a real business partner. Launch of the Dlifrance_ Global Instagram account: Featuring inspiration, products, recipes and tips! HIG hl IG h T s ... 19 VI V e S c I A I N D U S T r I e S S H A r e H O l D e r S N e W S l e T T e r 2 0 2 3

l O o KING BACK WI th ... P H I L I P P E A U B R Y Managing director of ARD and its subsidiary Wheatoleo ARD is a partner of Genopole, a cutting-edge biotechnologies project incubator. This collaboration will entail the creation of biotechnological tools (microorganisms) and scaling them up all the way to full-scale production (industrial fermentation). Bpifrance, CEBB, B4C and the incubator Quest for Change are ARDs other partners in project Alpha, which aims to attract innovative, high-potential projects to the Grand Est region. HIG hl IG h T s ... ARD, GOLD sponsor at BIOKET REIMS 2024 Wheatoleo obtains EcoVadis Gold certification with a score of 78/100 Big ambitions for B IO Dm O With a doubling of the capacity of its industrial demonstrator in October 2023, ARD is now capable of meeting greater demand for projects ready for industrial scale-up while continuing to provide key services for cooperative farmers (bio-inputs) and the Groups subsidiaries (ingredients). BIOTECHNOLOGIES AND R&D How did you see the past year? Very promising... Our EBITDA is improving, even if it remains slightly under budget. Certain customers orders were delayed during the first few months of the financial year, but we saw a good recovery over the second half of the year. For Wheatoleo, our 100%-owned subsidiary specialising in the production of surfactants from plant-based raw materials, last years results give room for optimism thanks to new key accounts, investment in our facilities, and the development of our business in a context of growing interest in bio-sourced products. So you are confident then? The growth outlook on biotechnologies markets, especially as related to decarbonisation, does show potential. Wheatoleos product offering, based on the use of non-fossil carbon with proven effectiveness, is a key asset for the future. The cosmetics and detergents industries are the sectors where demand for surfactants is the highest. K E Y F I G U R E S 130 employees 23 % increase in revenue for Wheatoleo compared to the previous financial year 2 world firsts per year 30 ongoing projects Strategic PA rt NE r SHIPS 20

l O o KING BACK WI th ... A R M A N D B A R R Managing Director of NEALIA ANIMAL NUTRITION EN v IRONMEN tA l commitment A member of the new VALORALIM 1 recycling chain, NEALIA also remains committed to sourcing 100% of its soya from deforestation-free zones in 2025. These initiatives are in line with VIVESCIAs LINK programme. 1. An organisation created this year devoted to collecting and recycling empty animal feed packaging. K E Y F I G U R E S 430,000 tonnes of animal feed distributed in 2023-2024 41 % growth in anaerobic digestion sales in 2023-2024 250,000 tonnes per year: the production capacity of the new platform in Pauvres A l OCA l SOYB e AN value chain This new value chain has been developed in partnership with the VIVESCIA Cooperative and Avril group. The construction of the soybean processing plant on ALIANEs plant in Rethel (eastern France) began in October 2023. It was commissioned in June 2024, and it processes non-GMO local grain and organic grain in equal parts. NEALIA posted very good EBITDA in 2023-2024... Yes it did, and that was down to close oversight of costs and very precise margin management. Last year the livestock industry benefited from good yields of forage crops, along with falling raw material prices. But this impacted demand for dry and moist compound feed among livestock producers. Against this backdrop, we leveraged our expertise in nutrition, formulation, and recovery and reuse of wet coproducts to support our core vocation advising and creating value for livestock farmers. Also, because weve diversified our activities in animal nutrition, anaerobic digestion, and insect farming, we're now less vulnerable to the fluctuations in prices and volumes that affect our longstanding operations. What are your plans for 2024-2025? With our new platform in Pauvres, in Ardennes, now able to produce wet compound feed, well keep developing our capacity to support anaerobic digestion plants and to supply feed substrates for insects, within the scope of our partnership with Agronutris. The tests carried out this year have been very successful. NEALIA's project teams are fully focused on optimising nutritional intake at the different stages of larval growth. Were also planning to build new poultry production facilities in partnership with leveurs de la Champagne . Calling all potential applicants! 21 VI V e S c I A I N D U S T r I e S S H A r e H O l D e r S N e W S l e T T e r 2 0 2 3

l O o KING BACK WI th ... H U G O N A U D E T Managing Director of KALIZEA How would you sum up the last financial year? KALIZEA improved its EBITDA, despite the ongoing economic and geopolitical turbulence. Inflation continued to put a damper on demand, which led to a slight fall in sales volumes compared to the previous financial year. This downturn in volumes was offset by our teams effective commercial strategies and risk management in a volatile pricing environment for maize. Looking further ahead, we have several strategic projects under consideration that will help us keep pace with our customers changing needs. Intra-group cooperation seems to be growing... Yes, KALIZEA joined TRANSITIONS as soon as it was launched. This programme generated interest from certain key accounts that are aware of environmental issues and were sensitive to VIVESCIAs rigorous approach to the subject. Les Cralistes the event on innovation in large-scale field crops organised in June 2024 in eastern France was also an opportunity to present the expertise of our maize value chain to various customers. MAIZE A new production l INE commissioned in r OMANIA This allows us to make a new product for the snacking industry and help our customers adapt to changing consumer demand. A new granules press for our HIS t ORIC Pringy MILL in eastern FRAN c E This will enable us to produce better quality pellets more efficiently and more economically. More S to RAG e capacity in POLAND! We are continuing our efforts to develop storage capacity for finished products and improve industrial processes. Last years highlights included the installation of a new cleaning tower. K E Y F I G U R E S 210,000 tonnes of products sold 3 mills 120 employees 22

Le premier programme impact grande chelle en France

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