r E f E r ENC e SHAR e PRIC e 1. CLOVIS: Holding company of SCARA, Cooprative agricole de Lorraine, LORCA, and Valfrance. 2. Novagrain, Limagrain, 110 Bourgogne, Noriap, Esternay, Juniville, Interval. SHAR e H o LDE r S tr U ct UR e OCTOBER 2024 Whats next? N.D. Our assets continue to increase in value thanks the investments were making. The share price has risen to 30.14, reflecting this year's financial performance. Thats confirmation, from the independent expert who set this value, that the trajectory weve been on for the past few years is the right one. We must continue investing to improve our companies operational and environmental performance. I'm thinking, for instance, of our alternative energy projects in Spain and the new processing plant for locally produced soya in the Rethel region, in northern France. This of course won't alter the fact that things are difficult in the agricultural industry. The volatility of commodity prices in particular is still a concern. This means we have to stay extremely vigilant, both in the current circumstances and going forward. Thanks to the solid financial results we achieve year after year, were able to support our companies while also distributing some of the returns to our shareholders, be they cooperative, institutional, or individual investors. 78 % Farming cooperatives 17 % Financial partners 5 % Individual shareholders 4,180 individual shareholders at 30 June 2024 (employees and cooperative farmers, company investment fund) EMC2 9.06% Other cooperatives and institutional shareholders 2 5.97% VIVESCIA 55.16% CLOVIS 1 6.86% Unigrains 2.09% Sofiprotol 1.98% Bpifrance 13% Members of cooperatives, employees, and other shareholders 5.88% 11 VI V e S c I A I N D U S T r I e S S H A r e H O l D e r S N e W S l e T T e r 2 0 2 3

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