SICOM, TH e GENE r AL PA rt NE r Audit committee External director SICOM, THE GENERAL PARTNER DIRECTORS SUPERVISORY BOARD 7 M E M B E R S Strategic orientations, decisions, on budgets, investments, divestments and acquisitions T O P M A N A G E M E N T Performance management 1 3 M E M B E R S 3 O B S E R V E R S Management control, auditing the accounts, shareholder relations, setting the reference share price for the trading platform. C H R I S T O P H B R E N President A L B A N C O L L A R D Administrator of VIVESCIA J E A N - M A R C L O N G U E T Administrator of VIVESCIA S Y L V A I N H I N S C H B E R G E R Administrator of VIVESCIA R O S S M C I N N E S External director, Chairman of Safrans Board of Directors A R N A U D L E G R O M D E M A R E T Managing Director of EMC2 E M M A N U E L R O U G I E R External director, former Managing Director of Limagrain Gov E r NAN ce 08

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