RFG Wealth Advisory Newsletter April '24
RFG Wealth Advisory Team Members News
RFG Wealth Advisory - Team News Chris Robinson I have about 30 fruit trees. I take care of them year-round, and they reward me in the early April 2024 summer with fantastic fruit. I have plum, apple, apricot, nectarines, and peach trees. The amount of plums I have on each tree is incredible. So much so that I had to pull an enormous amount of them off the tree so It is spring here in North Texas, the tree is not overwhelmed. which is always such a beautiful That is hard to do! By pulling off time of year. beautiful fruit from the trees, One of the things I love about the remaining fruit will grow spring is how green everything is larger and keep the branches and my fruit trees start to bear from breaking. There has to be a fruit. This looks like a terrific year life lesson here! It's hard to believe that the end of another school year is in sight. It doesn't seem for fruit. With a mild winter and right for the year to pass by so fast. My brother, who is a police officer in very wet spring, I should have the Arlington, asked me the other day what season I liked best. I said easy, when it is best fruit crop I have ever had. spring time I like to go fishing, summer I go to the mountains and fly fish, fall I love watching my son play football, and the winter I like to hunt. I just do whatever is in season! He thought that was a great answer! What is your favorite season and why? Twelve week old puppy, Johnny. Read More, page 2
Family update: Two week old puppy, Pearl My youngest child, Molly, is in 7th grade and is and Molly! excelling in school. The other day, I asked about a test she took. She told me her best friend made a 75 and got in trouble with her parents. I asked Jacob is in the middle of football spring what she made, and she said a 100! The best thing training at Tyler Junior College. We about that is I never have to ask her about her occasionally meet somewhere in East Texas to homework or to study; she’s totally self- go fishing. He will have a month off after this motivated! My wife went out of town recently, so semester then back to summer school and Molly took it upon herself to do the laundry, feed practice. the dogs, and make lunches for her and her brother. That's Molly! Henry is finishing his junior year at Texas Tech, studying computer science. He also will attend Ben is finishing his sophomore year at Argyle High summer school and stay in Lubbock. School. He has a great group of friends, and he My wife Joyce is busy teaching spin classes and really loves cars. He is into older Corvettes. He taking care of our new puppies. We forgot how keeps assuming the sale by asking me, "When I get much work puppies are! my Corvette, what color do you think I should get?" He is also my movie-watching buddy. Since I hope you have a both his brothers are off to college, we constantly great spring! try to find cool movies to watch. We recently watched "Masters of the Air" on Apple. We are currently watching the series new version of "Shogun" on Hulu, which I remember watching the Chris original series made in 1980 starring Richard Chamberlain.
Strategic IRA Planning for 2024 RFG University IRA Planning in Your Gap Years Rollover amounts are subject to the annual Roth contribution maximum, $7000 in 2024. So, it would take 5 years at $ 7,000 per If you are in your 60s, you may want to take advantage of your year to reach the full $35,000 limit, and these rollovers will count Gap years and do some IRA planning. The Gap years are between towards the Roth IRA contribution limit annually. The beneficiary your retirement age and when you start taking required must also have enough compensation, equal to the rollover minimum distributions from your IRA or other retirement plans. amount, to qualify. There are no maximum income limits for either These years can be a time of lower tax rates, so it may make owner or beneficiary.The same ordering rules apply as if rolled sense to take some distributions even if you don’t need the over from another Roth IRA. income. Roth Conversions can really make sense here, as well. This is a time of historically low tax rates, so consider a strategy to take advantage and reduce your taxes in the future. Increase in SIMPLE IRA Amounts Your contribution limits might have changed if you are still working 529 Plans to Roth IRA and have a SIMPLE IRA at your employer. If your employer has 25 or fewer employees, your limits have In 2024, the Secure Act 2.0 now allows rollovers of 529 Plans to increased by 10%. Your new limit is $17,600, and if you are over Roth IRAs. age 50, the catchup amount is $3850. A maximum lifetime limit of $35,000 per beneficiary can be If your employer has 26 to 100 employees, the extra 10% can be rolled over. Additionally, the Roth IRA must be in the name of elected, but only if they provide a 4% dollar-for-dollar match the 529 beneficiary, not the owner. instead of the customary 3% The 529 Plan must have been open for at least 15 years. The IRS Also, employers can make an additional contribution to employees has not clarified whether there is a new 15-year waiting period if who earn at least $5000 for the year. The contribution can be up to the 529 Plan was transferred to a new beneficiary. 10% of pay with a $5000 maximum. Amounts rolled over from a 529 cannot include any deferrals or For personalized guidance and answers to your IRA-related earnings made in the previous 5-year time period. questions, contact us today at 940-464-4104 to schedule an appointment or speak directly with your advisor.
Our Newest Team Member - JD Crowder I hope this finds you all well. My name is John Crowder, and I started working at RFG Wealth Advisory about a month ago. A native of Argyle since 2013, my family and I genuinely love it here. In college, I pursued my education at the University of Tulsa, driven by a passion for football. However, following a series of setbacks due to injuries, I made the pivotal decision to redirect my focus towards academia. Subsequently, I transferred to the University of North Texas, where I recently graduated with a degree in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management in December 2023. Beyond my professional pursuits, I enjoy the refreshing feeling of being outdoors, whether hunting, fishing, or playing a round of golf. As I embark on this new chapter at RFG, I look forward to meeting you!
Lindsay Freeman Each of these experiences has become a building block for our Spring has brought a renewed sense of family's bond and shared memories. As we navigate the joys of excitement as we eagerly embrace the great spring, we eagerly anticipate what the rest of the year has in outdoors once again! Soccer season has kicked store for us. There's a sense of excitement and anticipation for off with full enthusiasm, and our boys, Corben more adventures, more laughter, and more precious moments and Bosten, are immersed in the game, savoring together. every moment on the field. Beyond just playing, they are flourishing individually and as part of In the midst of our bustling lives, their team, learning valuable life lessons of these simple pleasures remind us of teamwork and sportsmanship that will stay with the importance of quality time spent them for years to come. together. Whether it's cheering on our boys at the soccer field, swaying Music has always been the heart and soul of our to the rhythm of live music, or home, and lately, we've found ourselves drawn indulging in sweet treats at the to Marty B's for their captivating live music arcade, these moments bring us shows. Witnessing the sheer joy in our kids' eyes closer and strengthen the unique as they experience the live performances is fabric of our family. priceless. Sometimes you'll even find me on the As the season unfolds and we dance floor, joining them in creating joyful continue to explore new avenues of memories that will be cherished forever. fun and togetherness, we're grateful Another recent adventure that has brought for these experiences that enrich immense joy to our family is exploring the arcade our lives and create lasting bonds. scene. This journey down memory lane holds special significance for Cortney, as it reignites fond Here's to the magic of spring, the memories of his childhood in Pecos, where his dad joy of family adventures, and the owned an arcade. Our arcade outings are always endless possibilities that lie ahead! filled with excitement, beginning with a visit to the candy shop—a cherished tradition that is especially meaningful for Charley, who bravely manages Type 1 diabetes.

Emilio Gonzalez Diego (24), Isabella (23), and Olivia (22) RUCKING: Spring is in the air…or flying through all continue to learn their way through As part of my recovery, I have taken the wind!!! This windy Spring has adulthood. Isabella recently moved up Rucking (the act of hiking while made for a rough track season. Mateo from Lubbock to Oklahoma City (I guess carrying a weighted backpack). Over turned 16 this year and is in the midst she loves the wind). Olivia is still the past 2 months, I am up to 4 miles of track season, preparing for the navigating through motherhood and with 35lbs of weight on my back. In Regional track meet in Lubbock. getting better every day. She is the Marines, it was 20 miles with Running the 400 is tough in windy preparing to begin the doctorate 50lbs. I was a little more spry back conditions; you have wind at your program for Physical Therapy at UNT then. But hey, 14 months ago, I had back and/or wind in your face. He this summer. It will be challenging but a hard time completing a sentence finished power-lifting season in 9th rewarding. Enough about them…let’s talk without getting out of breath. place in Regionals with all new PR’s; about that GRANDBABY!!! Mia Faye is As usual, I like to find parallels in the Bench 265lbs, Deadlift 405lbs, and 14lbs of pure sugar; I have been kissing activities I love. When rucking, I like Squat 500lbs. By the way, he is driving blisters on her forehead. Y’all were right! to walk the sides of the roads or in now; keep your head on a swivel!!! Being a grandparent is the coolest thing the bar ditch as much as I can. on earth; Sharon and I are having a According to Michael Easter’s book blast!!! “The Comfort Crisis,” you burn 28% more calories walking on uneven ground. Yes, it is a little more risky but in my opinion, the juice is worth the squeeze. Just like being an investor, we must determine if the potential return is worth the risk of muddy shoes and scratched-up shins! An added bonus is my ankles are definitely stronger. Read More, page 8
The hills are always a challenge. It may seem counterintuitive, but I have found if I exert a little more energy and actually jog or run uphill, the momentum helps me reach the top easier. At the time, it hurts, but it is a great feeling at the end. This reminds me of times when the market is down. When encountering a tough market or impending hill, most people either keep the same pace and struggle through it or avoid it altogether. Sometimes, it may seem counterintuitive, but increasing your contribution during Left, Right, Left…sometimes it is just the next these times may also lead to that exuberant feeling at the top of step that matters. One way to keep a cadence as the hill. During my route, there are areas where the an investor is to set up systematic contributions; ground is flat and less treacherous. This is a monthly amount that you contribute to your where I focus on my breathing and take longer account. This allows you to dollar cost average strides to make up time. What is the old into the market… Left, Right, Left…each step will saying? Make hay while the sun is shining! get you closer to your destination and quicker When the market is good, take advantage of it. too!!! Maybe increase your stride (your investment The best part about Rucking (and investing) for contribution) and make up some ground. While rucking through unpredictable terrain, me is the feeling of challenging myself and there is a delicate balance between looking feeling accomplished. Yes, sometimes I reach an The hardest part of my trek is the last mile. down and being intentional where I step and obstacle and have to slow down or even take a My pace usually slows down tremendously, looking up to see where I am going. Look down few steps back to leap over that gully in front of and I start feeling the extra weight on my too long, and you veer off course; look only at me, but I always keep moving forward. With shoulders. Recently, I knocked off several your destination, you will surely trip or worse. Rucking (and investing), I only have to compete minutes on my 4-mile trail by listening to We consistently need to keep an eye on our with myself and try to improve each day. Garmin some good ‘ol Marine Corp cadence. The financial goals but must often evaluate the used to have a commercial I loved; it simply said, rhythmic “songs” and chants help me keep path along the way and be intentional about “Beat Yesterday.” If we can do that, we will have my pace consistent and intentional. what we own and make slight adjustments more fulfilling lives and enhance the lives of from time to time. This balance is crucial so those who are part of our lives. we do not stray from our desired goals.

Mike Lemich “Spring is a time to get excited for the future, hopeful for good times to come”- Jackie Rupp Spring is always a busy time for our family, as four-fifths of the birthdays fall within less than two months. Combine the birthdays with all the spring sports, and there is very little downtime. This year’s birthday was extra special for Calvin. He turned eight, which in our church is the age at which you can get baptized. We had family come from all over the country to share in his special day, attend his baptism, and congratulate him on becoming a new church member. Sports keep us busy right now, including gymnastics and golf. Calvin has been taking golf lessons for over a year, but this spring is his first time competing in golf tournaments - with me as his ‘Daddy Caddy’! Give him another year, and he will definitely be We are looking forward to our better than me. Anastasia is finishing up her second annual 4th of July trip to Utah year of gymnastics, with the State meet coming up. where we escape the heat, reunite She is really looking forward to moving up to level 3 with family, and take the kids hiking and learning the new skills and routines this summer. up in the mountains. My wife and I are also very much looking forward I am continuously amazed at the abilities of these to our first “kid free” vacation since young gymnasts. My back hurts just watching them our oldest was born. Extra prayers do some of their tricks/routines! Carson, who go out to her parents during that recently turned 3, started swim lessons and is time. surprisingly good at following directions when they What fun summer plans do you are not coming from Mom and Dad. have this year?
We look forward to a great year with you and your family. Thank you for being part of the experience that is RFG Wealth Advisory. Chris & Team RFG Connect with Us! “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” [email protected] Warren Buffett [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 940-464-4104 RFG Wealth Advisory Blueprint