RFG Wealth Advisory Newsletter April '24
RFG Wealth Advisory Team Members News
RFG Wealth Advisory - Team News Chris Robinson I have about 30 fruit trees. I take care of them year-round, and they reward me in the early April 2024 summer with fantastic fruit. I have plum, apple, apricot, nectarines, and peach trees. The amount of plums I have on each tree is incredible. So much so that I had to pull an enormous amount of them off the tree so It is spring here in North Texas, the tree is not overwhelmed. which is always such a beautiful That is hard to do! By pulling off time of year. beautiful fruit from the trees, One of the things I love about the remaining fruit will grow spring is how green everything is larger and keep the branches and my fruit trees start to bear from breaking. There has to be a fruit. This looks like a terrific year life lesson here! It's hard to believe that the end of another school year is in sight. It doesn't seem for fruit. With a mild winter and right for the year to pass by so fast. My brother, who is a police officer in very wet spring, I should have the Arlington, asked me the other day what season I liked best. I said easy, when it is best fruit crop I have ever had. spring time I like to go fishing, summer I go to the mountains and fly fish, fall I love watching my son play football, and the winter I like to hunt. I just do whatever is in season! He thought that was a great answer! What is your favorite season and why? Twelve week old puppy, Johnny. Read More, page 2