SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 15 The future is bright By engaging the local workforce, making sustainability relevant and identifying simple steps that signi昀椀cantly reduce energy consumption, the Cambridge Method is now in use at 昀椀ve EPK sites in Nandi Hills. We have learnt Chris: “We have learnt that small actions lead to tangible and signi昀椀cant improvements and that energy saving can be achieved by involving all the personnel at that small actions the shop-昀氀oor level.” lead to tangible Gary: “Sustainability as a subject can feel large, not engaging, and doesn’t often relate to individual day jobs. What we do with our methodology is to engage and signi昀椀cant the workers on their terms and in their language. We bring it to life. improvements. “Companies that 昀椀nd they have a gap between sustainability ambition/strategy and gaining momentum/engagement with the factory shop 昀氀oor would bene昀椀t from using the tool.” Chris concludes: “Since working with the IfM, everything we implemented has been continued. Shop-昀氀oor workers now own the energy-saving culture. Some team members have now moved to other factories and Explore Cambridge are implementing these ideas in these factories. So, the Sustain 8 ideas and what we have learnt are spreading. We’re working together e昀昀ectively and committed to bringing Cambridge Sustain 8 is an our customers tea that has a minimal impact on the environment.” organisational engagement programme focused on making signi昀椀cant sustainability improvements with minimal investment. By bridging the gap between corporate objectives and sustainable practices on the factory 昀氀oor, this approach has been successfully implemented in numerous factories, yielding measurable savings within just one year of implementation.