RFG Wealth Advisory Newsletter Jan. '24
Personal articles from the RFG Wealth Advisory team - January 2024.
RFG Wealth Advisory - Team News Chris Robinson - What a difference a few months makes in our weather. When I was writing January 2024 our last newsletter, we were coming off an incredibly hot summer and as I write today it was 12 degrees last night. The fall season came and went just as quickly as ever. The Robinson family stayed busy with Saturday football games, as my son Jacob had a great year at Tyler Jr. College. I knew Thanksgiving would sneak up on me like it always does, and of course it did. We traveled to my dad’s house for Thanksgiving and had a big time. Christmas has changed a lot as my children have gotten older. They used to come down at 6 AM to see what Santa Claus brought them; this year, I had to wake them up at 10 AM! We hosted Christmas this year and had 25 at our house. It made me realize how rare it is to get the whole family together. It sure seems like the extended family got together more when I was growing up. I believe there are just too many distractions these days. Read More, page 2