The first test screening of The Death of Dracula with the orchestra playing live during the Mediawave Festival. Photo by Mira Mărincaș A new work session took place during which all the musicians were present. This session to set up the music for the image took place at Ravazd as part of the Mediawave Festival. On the one hand, everyone found what they were obliged to play and, on the other, the new proposals they had each come up with as a result of listening and individual preparation for this new encounter. Baltazar Montanaro, an improvising musician on the baritone violin, joined us for this session. He joined us to give the ensemble its definitive form. This is the moment when the open music escapes the composer to become that of all the participants. This is the moment when it is necessary to let things happen, to establish dialogue and create harmonies. It's the moment when you have to move on from ‘I'm the one who's right’ to ‘together, it's beautiful’. This stage also allowed the music and film, still in their ‘Work in 110

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