Governance that’s Our intent at VIVESCIA is clear: we want our Group’s governance to be stable and robust, yes, but also flexible enough to keep evolving and improving. This is all the more important given our size, our responsibilities to stakeholders across our farming regions, our agri-industrial model, and our presence in 25 countries. Achieving excellence in our cooperative governance will ensure our business model remains relevant and sustainable over the long term – and this commitment is integral to our LINK policy. 2 objectives As soon as the HCCA (Haute Autorité de la Coopération % Agricole) published its guide to 85 good practices in cooperative governance in June 2021, our COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRAINING board members recognised HCCA’S GOOD PRACTICES FOR A multi-year training how helpful a tool it is. At COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE plan that can be that point, we didn’t yet have at 30 June 2023 individually tailored, an Administrators’ Charter (58% in 2020-2021) available from 2024. formally setting out the board members’ rights, duties, responsibilities and values. In 2021 we decided to align our practices In 2023 a questionnaire was circulated to We’d been onboarding new with the Guide des bonnes pratiques des collect feedback about training needs and members smoothly, but we didn’t gouvernances des entreprises coopératives aspirations among board members, which have anything written down! agricoles (“Guide to Good Practice in the informed a new training and coaching Governance of Farming Cooperatives”) plan. Having a Charter gives you an published by the Haut Conseil de la Coopération Agricole (HCCA), with of昀椀cial framework, so everyone the goal of being 100% aligned by understands the rules. 2024. Among our achievements so far: our board adopted the VIVESCIA Administrators’ Rights and Duties MARIE GAILLIOT Governance Charter in September 2022. administrator, member of the Board Committee, and leader of the governance working group 38

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 40 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 39 Page 41