FOSTERING CONNECTIONS evolving “We need young people to help shape our future. We need their ideas to inform The Youth Committee met the Board of Directors on 12 June our thinking on the path towards 2030, 2023 in Reims, Marne, France. to make our services even more helpful, and to invent new ones…” constantly ALBAN COLLARD, member of the Board Committee, and leader of the Youth Committee VIVESCIA YOUTH COMMITTEE Let’s hear the next generation! In their words… 23 people volunteered for a three-year term as members of the 昀椀rst cohort of VIVESCIA’S Youth “It’s very important to give young Committee, set up by the board in 2022. All aged farmers a say in how agriculture should between 23 and 41, having recently started farming, evolve over the next 20 or 30 years, they mostly come from different professions, including because they’re the ones who’ll be in civil engineering, banking, and former VIVESCIA employees. They’re all motivated by a shared desire to charge of running it...” learn and develop, to initiate new discussions and to GAUTHIER CHARLE, cooperative member-farmer, Seine Brie be part of the action behind the scenes at VIVESCIA. Champagne section On their agenda have been group workshops around mutually agreed topics, discussions with the board, meetings with experts, and even – for those who “Talking to each other, sharing our are interested – training modules specially tailored knowledge and experience – that’s the to them and fully funded by VIVESCIA. A study trip whole point of working cooperatively. abroad is also slated for early 2024. Being on the That’s what will help us prepare for the Youth Committee gives them the opportunity to have future.” their voices heard within VIVESCIA, to contribute to addressing the challenges as we approach 2030, and, MATHIEUX PESCHAUD, cooperative member-farmer, Barrois section naturally, to gain a deeper understanding of the Group. It’s also a chance to broaden their entrepreneurial “In joining this committee I’ve horizons and, why not, learn more about the rediscovered the cooperative model and administrator’s role. Because at VIVESCIA, being an elected of昀椀cial is a real commitment. And it is not how it works, as well as learning about innate! all the different jobs in the grain sector, and about VIVESCIA’S international The 23 members of the Youth Committee reach through its subsidiaries.” “I hope that our ideas will be heard and taken onboard. We’ll also be better able to understand the Board’s decisions so we can defend them before our fellow members, if necessary.” JÉRÉMY ORTILLON, cooperative member-farmer, Barrois section 39

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 41 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 40 Page 42