GOING DEEPER Our connection to the Earth Our commitments to the climate Commitments Objec琀椀ves Indicators at 30 June 2023 Con琀椀nue to reduce greenhouse gases 20 % lower GHG emission intensity 14% less GHG emissions since 2014- from our direct scope (2015-2025)* (scopes 1 & 2) by 2025 (vs 2015) 2015 per tonne equivalent -26 % GHG emissions since 2014-2015, in absolute terms 376.6 kTCO e in 2022-2023 2 (vs 377.4 kTCO e in 2021-2022) 2 De昀椀ne our “climate strategy” by autumn De昀椀nition of intermediate objectives for 2030 climate strategy for scopes 1, 2 and 2022, to contribute to carbon neutrality 2030 and trajectories for 2050 on scopes 3 approved in autumn 2022 by 2050 1, 2 and 3 Commitment to SBTi by 1 February 2023 Roadmaps currently being drafted by each business Evaluate the carbon storage and GHG Evaluate the carbon footprint of Simpli昀椀ed carbon footprint analysis emissions of VIVESCIA members’ farms VIVESCIA members’ farms and initiate launched in April 2022 with cooperative by the summer of 2022, and ini琀椀ate low-carbon programmes members low-carbon programmes 1,500 members had conducted the analysis by 15 September 2022 Launch (May 2023) and of昀椀cialization (September 2023) of the TRANSITIONS programme Agroecological transi琀椀on, biodiversity and packaging Commitments Objec琀椀ves Indicators at 30 June 2023 Make proposals and drive change Continue supporting cooperative • 118 trials on agro-ecological practices among VIVESCIA’s member-farmers members to roll out agro-ecological • 346 CE2 and 150 HVE-certi昀椀ed in terms of the agro-ecological practices farmers transi琀椀on, low-carbon methods and soil • 12 projects with partners conserva琀椀on. Evaluate our biodiversity footprint Evaluate the group’s biodiversity Launch in 2024 for the Cooperative and and aim for a posi琀椀ve impact through footprint by end of 2023 VIVESCIA Industries virtuous farming and industrial prac琀椀ces Help cooperative members to implement Webinars on biodiversity farming practices that have a positive Evaluation of AgriBEST™ (software impact on biodiversity. developed by LCA Ouest and CDC Biodiversité) Develop biodiversity projects between Five-year partnership signed with the Cooperative and our processing Symbiose in September 2022 businesses with a direct positive impact 3 large-scale projects supported in the on the Cooperative’s territory. Marne, Ardennes and Aube departments with the support of VIVESCIA Industries * This commitment is changing to be in line with our 2030 climate targets: - 42% less direct GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2), in line with our SBTi commitment. 72

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 74 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 73 Page 75