GOING DEEPER Agro-ecological transi琀椀on, biodiversity and packaging (cont.) Commitments Objec琀椀ves Indicators at 30 June 2023 Implement a local biodiversity initiative 9 initiatives identi昀椀ed to date (vs 6 in on each production sites by end of 2024 2021-2022) • 100% of boxes made with recycled Minimise the environmental footprint of Délifrance material (100% by 2025) our packaging by adop琀椀ng eco-design Monitoring of sustainable packaging approaches and developing recycling policy • 96% of FSC-certi昀椀ed boxes (100% by 2025). Eco-designed product packaging • 99% of recyclable or reusable Reduce the weight of each component of packaging. our packaging and work on our products and packaging to reduce the impact of transport. Reach 100% of recyclable or reusable packaging by 2025. Introduce recycled materials into our packaging. Many initiatives to reduce the amount of Grands Moulins de Paris De昀椀nition of their objectives for pack- packaging on several sites (Gennevilliers, aging Briare, Reims, Brienne) • 20 tonnes less paper used on our large Reduce the amount of packaging we use. format bags (approximately 2% paper Increase the proportion of secondary saved) packaging that is recycled. • 94% of our wooden pallets are recycled (up to 7 rotations on average) and 100% Minimise the environmental impact of our broken pallets are sold to recycling of each reprint industries • 77 to 82% recyclability for Francine’s convenience packaging and consumer packs • Elimination of wooden protection on 50% of our large format packaging and replacement by recycled cardboard Continue our involvement 103 Adivalor collection points – in the Adivalor network Cooperative, Sepac Compagri and Compas 2,300 tonnes of waste collected (vs 1800 tonnes in 2021-2022) Management environnemental Commitments Objec琀椀ves Indicators at 30 June 2023 Promote the Group environmental char- 100% of sites compliant with the 58% compliance on self-assessments at ter created in 2021-2022 and ensure all VIVESCIA Group environmental charter Group level following the 昀椀rst reporting sites comply with it by 2025 campaign 73

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 75 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 74 Page 76