GOING DEEPER SUMMARY OF OUR COMMITMENTS, OUR OBJECTIVES AND OUR MAIN INDICATORS Connections are central to our cooperative business model Coopera琀椀ve governance, ethics and CSR governance Commitments Objec琀椀ves Indicators at 30 June 2023 Aim for excellence in coopera琀椀ve Aim for 100% compliance with the Haut Conseil de la Coopération Agricole governance to guarantee the long-term recommendations of the Guide to self-assessment summary: 84 % at 30 survival of our business model Cooperative Governance published June 2023 (vs 70% in 2021-2022) by the Haut Conseil de la Coopération Agricole by June 2023 Provide elected representatives with a Questionnaire on training needs in multi-year training programme targeting progress the key areas they need to understand to Multi-year training plan to be de昀椀ned effectively ful昀椀l their roles as VIVESCIA by 2024 Group administrators. Ensure we always do business Set up an ethical governance team at 4 Ethics committee meetings transparently and ethically Group level and for each business 11 ethics reports 30 ethics ambassadors Use e昀昀ec琀椀ve governance and Create a CSR governance team at Group 3 CSR committee meetings construc琀椀ve dialogue with our level and for each business stakeholders to make sustainable 2 board/Exco workshops Clari昀椀ed CSR governance CSR development an integral part of how INDICATORS we do business 71
Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 72 Page 74