FOSTERING CONNECTIONS Our connections to people Now more than ever committed to our colleagues! We are a community of men and women who are committed to looking after the grain; in their fields, in silos, in production sites, every day, they turn it into flour, malt, bread, and croissants; they share their passion for their craft and pass on their skills… This community is our biggest asset, and it is our duty to look after it. We carry out initiatives in four areas, which starting point and de昀椀ne action plans for the are the same for all our entities in every three years to come. region we operate in, in France and around the world. “Diversity and inclusion”: Ramping up our action on three main priorities: “Safety and well-being in the workplace”: ➜ Gender equality, with an improvement We need to go even further. Launched in in the French “Pénicaud index” for all our 2018, we continue to add to the CARE entities* worldwide and the launch of the programme with a focus on its two LeadHERship programme in September objectives: 2023. ➜ Providing a safe workplace where ➜ Hiring people with disabilities, with well-being is paramount by preventing a policy that is applicable to all our psychosocial hazards and creating a stronger businesses. This project will be scaled up in safety culture. 2024. ➜ Providing an environment that facilitates ➜ Access to employment for young people a healthy work-life balance. by reinforcing partnerships with schools, colleges and universities in France. “Talents”: The entire HR community is determined to attract and retain the best “Corporate culture”: Reinforce the group talent. we are working on two fronts: spirit with the “Grain Route,” a 2 ½ day ➜ Strengthening the group’s employer immersive programme from fork to 昀椀eld brand. devoted to managers was relaunched in the spring of 2023. Other initiatives are in the ➜ Boosting our colleagues’ employability through capacity building. pipeline. A 昀椀rst engagement survey was launched in September 2023 on 6,900 employees to set a *Our gender equality index is between 83 and 99. See page 77. 44

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 46 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 45 Page 47