FOSTERING CONNECTIONS Learning about the Chaourçois ponds project, supported by VIVESCIA in partnership with the non-profit Symbiose, “for biodiverse landscapes,” 14 June 2023 Partnership with Symbiose* across the Cooperative’s region Three complementary objectives were identi昀椀ed: ➜ F or agricultural businesses > increased support for member-farmers to introduce practices that positively impact biodiversity, and measuring the Water extent to which such practices are implemented. ➜ At VIVESCIA Industries processing plants > developing and rolling out a local biodiversity initiative tailored to each site by 2024. ➜ Across the Group > funding large-scale projects, run by Symbiose, that have a positive impact on the regions where the Cooperative operates. Green and blue belts: VIVESCIA Industries contributes to funding three robust long-term projects, with a five-year action plan and Preserving water resources: provisional budget. Our commitment The VIVESCIA Group has already launched several initiatives relating to water conservation. It’s especially high on the agenda within our processing industries, some of which use a great deal of water. Malteurop and Délifrance have several programmes underway to reduce water consumption, which are being monitored within the framework of our Aube project: protecting ponds in the Chaource region. Environmental Charter. Marne project: developing a network of sustainable farming infrastructure With the frequency of droughts across ten municipalities in the south-western Marne region. increasing, both in France and around the world, the Group decided to include water management as a Ardennes project: combating soil erosion through landscaping and creating commitment within our LINK policy. or restoring ponds. During 2024, we will be examining the issue. First we’ll undertake the essential work of identifying and analysing our impacts and dependencies, and that will enable us to draw up strategic plans for mitigation and building resilience. * Symbiose, pour des paysages de biodiversité (“Symbiosis, for biodiverse landscapes”) is a non-pro昀椀t umbrella group for managing biodiversity in the Champagne-Ardenne region, bringing together researchers, farmers, hunters, beekeepers, naturalists, technicians, funders and other interested parties. An environmental protection association that is of昀椀cially recognised as being in the public interest, it comprises 28 member organisations in various categories (community associations, local authorities, professional farming groups). 43

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 45 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 44 Page 46