Climate change, biodiversity, demographic pressure, global food security, the energy transition… VIVESCIA believes that its agri-food businesses have a major role to play in facing these challenges. With LINK, the Group’s cooperative farmers and employees have reinvented and ramped up its sustainable development policy. It features 20 commitments with related objectives, indicators and projects, most of which are already underway. Our connections are central to our cooperative business model > Aim for excellence in cooperative to guarantee the long-term survival of our business model. > Ensure we always do business transparently and ethically. > Use effective governance and constructive dialogue with our stakeholders to make sustainable development an integral part of how we do business. Our connections to the planet CLIMATE > Continue to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) from our direct scope (-20% between 2015 and 2025).* > De昀椀ne our “climate strategy” by autumn 2022, to contribute to carbon neutrality by 2050, and roll it out to all our businesses. > Evaluate carbon storage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of “theVIVESCIA Farm” (the sum of VIVESCIA Cooperative’s members’ farms) by the summer of 2022, and initiate low-carbon programmes. AGROECOLOGICAL TRANSITIONS, BIODIVERSITY & PACKAGING > Act as a driving force and in昀氀uencer for VIVESCIA member-farmers in terms of the agro-ecological transition and soil conservation. > Evaluate our biodiversity footprint and work to make a positive impact through virtuous farming and industrial practices. > Minimise the environmental footprint of our packaging by adopting eco-design approaches and ramping up recycling. MANAGEMENT ENVIRONNEMENTAL > Promote the Group environmental charter created in 2022 and ensure ail sites comply with it. *Thiscommitmentischangingtobeinlinewithour2030climateambi琀椀ons:-42%directGHGemissions(scopes1and2),byvolume,inaccordancewithour SBTi commitment 36

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 38 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 37 Page 39