FOSTERING CONNECTIONS MATERIALITY MATRIX THE FOUNDATION OF LINK, OUR CSR STRATEGY LAUNCHED IN 2021 It reveals the convergence of internal and external stakeholders on the importance of and challenges related to our environmental responsibility at Cooperative level and as a Group. • Support for biodiversity • Cooperative governance preservation projects and business model • Help for farmers to reduce their environmental footprint and boost Major climate resilience issues • Reduction of the Group’s • Reduction of the Group’s AKEHOLDERS environmental footprint environmental footprint T • Local development • Health, safety and quality Signi昀椀cant • Product quality of life at work issues • Traceability of value chains • Long-term vision for a farming model for tomorrow and support TIONS OF EXTERNAL S for future generations of farmers A T Intermediate issues • Diversity and Inclusion • Talent retention and development EXPEC Intermediate issues Signi昀椀cant issues Major issues EXPECTATIONS OF INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS PROGRESS OF THE LINK PROGRAMME The signature of a The TRANSITIONS Launch of the LAUNCH MARCH five-year partnership Launch of the FEBRUARY programme is presented JUNE assessment of with Symbiose, an Environmental to the cooperative’s OF LINK Charter farmers VIVESCIA’s association that works biodiversity on biodiversity footprint 2021 2022 2023 The signature Launch of the Commitment to SBTi Results of a OCTOBER of a three-year SEPTEMBER impact assessment OCTOBER on our climate MAY study on the local partnership with the for climate change socio-economic FROM association of French on agriculture in the objectives for 2030 impact of VIVESCIA JANUARY 24 food banks Cooperative region Board/executive committee CSR workshops Group CSR committee 35

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 37 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 36 Page 38