SPRING BAY DISTILLERY X MINIMAX P椀渀k G椀渀 匀漀ur This Pink Gin Sour is a INGREDIENTS delicious cocktail that 60 ml Spring Bay combines the 昀氀oral and fruity Distillery Pink Gin notes of Spring Bay Distillery 15 ml agave nectar Pink Gin with the tangy freshness of fresh lemon juice 2 egg whites and the delightful sweetness 3 raspberries of agave nectar. The juice of half a lemon The addition of egg whites not Ice only creates a frothy texture, Optional: edible rose petals but also adds a luxuriously for garnish velvety feel to the drink. METHOD 1. Add the raspberries, Spring Bay Distillery Pink Gin, agave nectar, egg whites and lemon juice to the shaker. 2. Cover the cocktail shaker and shake vigorously for about 10-15 seconds. 3. Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass. 4. Optionally, garnish with edible rose petals. Spring Bay Distillery Pink Gin Made in Tasmania, Spring Bay Distillery Pink Gin is lightly infused with raspberries from Westerway Berry Farm located in the Derwent Valley Tasmania, resulting in a uniquely fresh, dry and 昀氀avourful taste.