Your book ‘How Wild Things Are’ celebrates nature and the slow food life, which dish of yours do you eat most often and why? At the moment I eat the abalone noodle dish the most, probably because I made a large batch of xo sauce and recently got an electric pasta roller that 昀椀ts on my KitchenAid so making noodles has been so much easier and faster! Also, it makes people happy and all my friends always ask for it. Can you share with our readers, your top 昀椀ve tips for cooking in the outdoors? Oooh, ok obviously 昀椀rst of all be aware of 昀椀re bans and what the laws are regarding 昀椀res where you’re going. I like to let a 昀椀re burn down and cook over the coals, it’s a much more even heat. I take a small kit of seasonings with me like sea salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar, seaweed jam, butter, as in the outdoors you only have what you bring. I love to cook seafood in sea water if you happen to be near a clean, unpolluted beach (which I often am in Tasmania!). Keep it simple. I also pack a small kit of basic equipment when I go away, a solid pan that is ok in the 昀椀re, a tiny chopping board, bread knife and cutlery set. It just makes everything that much easier and nicer. And I always have my knife roll wherever I go! What’s one thing you can’t live without in your kitchen? My KitchenAid. I make a lot of pasta, noodles, brioche, cakes and bread at home and I’m a lazy kneader so for me it’s diversi昀椀ed my home cooking life. Also a digital thermometer and scales. What would be your favourite spot for a road trip? I love east coast Tassie, the white sand beaches, the crystal clear blue water, the oyster and cray昀椀sh shacks. When I was running a restaurant and needed a stress free weekend I’d throw a bunch of stuff and a loaf of bread in the car and drive up the east coast camping or staying in shacks, diving, having early morning coffees on the beach and eating vegetables from roadside stands, cray昀椀sh sandwiches, abalone and periwinkles. The beauty and solitude of it all was something else.