SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 9 For manufacturers, there is now a real opportunity to be proactive in recognising future challenges, taking decisive action and making the most of opportunities. Sustainability initiatives: As part of the association, members work with the IfM what to do and how to do it to commission new projects in areas of mutual interest. Through increasing energy and resource e昀케ciency, Topics identi昀椀ed as priority areas for the association the UK stands to gain £10 billion per year in additional include supply chain sustainability and Scope 3 pro昀椀t for manufacturers (according to research from emissions, the path to net zero and the role of digital in the IfM). However, according to Professor Steve Evans, transforming sustainability. Director of Research in Industrial Sustainability at the A recent project focused on how to achieve quick IfM, the manufacturing industry has some way to go wins in sustainability improvements. The IfM talked to achieve these targets. He says: “Around 90% of the to practitioners from a range of global manufacturing resources processed to create goods are not reaching 昀椀rms, as well as sustainable manufacturing experts, to the person for whom they are made; 50% of edible identify common success factors and best practices food is not eaten, and only about 50% full loading is in businesses that had achieved consistent, rapid achieved in freight trucks in the UK. sustainability improvements. “For manufacturers, there is now a real opportunity Small steps lead to longer-term gains to be proactive in recognising future challenges, taking decisive action and making the most of the Sustainability, when included as part of continuous opportunities that will come from a global shift towards improvement objectives, can act as a foundation sustainability. It’s a daunting task, but it’s one that for building a sustainability culture. However, it’s manufacturers should – and need to – address as the also important to note that any initiatives should be sustainability imperative continues to grow. part of a larger (long-term) sustainability agenda to avoid reverting to small improvements. “Even after a “Having agreed to pursue sustainability, maybe even step change, businesses can continue to implement setting a speci昀椀c target, for many organisations the continuous improvements to optimise the system exact pathway remains unclear. To help manufacturers and seek further sustainability improvements,” says gain clarity about both ‘what to do’ and ‘how to do it’, Steve. “Rapid sustainability improvements resulting the IfM established the Sustainability Association to from continuous improvement initiatives can create an help businesses get the support they need to progress opportunity to justify larger sustainability projects or at sustainability initiatives. least provide 昀氀exibility in the company budget.” “Manufacturing organisations want advice on the best place to start with sustainability initiatives,” Steve adds. “They want to know the best strategy for e昀昀ective returns and how to avoid common pitfalls.”