SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 28 it is mostly extracted from the combustion process, a “One of the key challenges in de昀椀ning energy transition great proportion is released into the atmosphere. The pathways at the sectoral level lies in the requirement for challenge, therefore, is to ensure that the energy used a systems-thinking approach. The selected approach to meet CEA demand comes from renewable energy and underpinning tools need to enable a holistic sources and that its supply is reliable. The study seeks evaluation of how altering the ecosystem, such as to clarify the current landscape of energy systems in the through incentivising a scaled-up adoption of a new sector and the requirements for deploying alternative technology, will in昀氀uence and reshape the sector as a clean energy technologies solutions, and to identify whole. A further level of complexity is given by a decarbonisation pathways and recommendations of large number of stakeholders, who have di昀昀erent how to support the transition towards more sustainable capabilities and interests that can bene昀椀t or hinder the future. transition. Consequently, formulating a methodology that fosters their buy-in to the 昀椀nal outcome by Method involving them in a multi-stage consultation process To gain a comprehensive understanding of current and was crucial for the overall success of the project.” says emerging energy technologies, as well as trends in CEA Diana. energy supply and demand, the authors conducted A broad range of technologies and solutions were expert interviews, desk-based research and a validation reviewed in the study. Energy e昀케ciency measures workshop with sector representatives, policy-makers included: and technology experts. Tools used to assess the data included: • Maintenance and operations management (enhanced • The ‘fast-start’ Strategic Roadmapping to map the routine maintenance and repair, and operations decarbonisation pathways monitoring and control systems) • The IfM’s Innovation Velocity Tool underpinned by • Equipment optimisation (e.g., high-e昀케ciency pumps the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and motors, high-e昀케ciency boilers, improved and threats) analysis to capture the technological, ventilation and cooling systems) economic and societal aspects of technology adoption • Building and glasshouse structure and materials • The Marginal Abatement Cost of Carbon (MACC) including system insulation, thermal screens, novel curve to help visualise the cost bene昀椀ts and emissions glazing technologies, and closed- and semi-closed savings of di昀昀erent technologies and solutions for the glasshouses) UK’s CEA sector. • Energy storage (diurnal and seasonal thermal energy storage solutions) Data used in the study was primarily retrieved from • Enhanced crop production through optimised LED Defra, the Climate Change Agreement (CCA) scheme lighting duration and wavelengths, carbon dioxide from the National Farmers Union (NFU) and from management, and selective crop breeding and publicly available documents such as academic articles, genetic modi昀椀cation. grey literature, including White Papers and government documents, and industry reports.