SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 47 Can we redesign products, production and sustainability during its use. The e昀昀ort is even greater supply chains for sustainability? for companies transitioning to new operating and Manufacturing companies are increasingly setting business models adopting circular economy principles. ambitious goals to achieve net-zero targets, marking At the Centre for International Manufacturing, signi昀椀cant advances in their sustainability initiatives. we work closely with industrial and institutional This enthusiasm for sustainability is buoyed by a partners to address these challenges by considering surge in consumer demand for products produced alternative (renewable) materials, exploring smaller- using sustainable and ethical practices. Furthermore, scale manufacturing operations closer to the market, regulatory bodies are enacting stricter guidelines, and evaluating the opportunities these interventions compelling companies to embrace sustainable provide for redesigning supply chains. Our expertise solutions. This change may also be fuelled (but not in the analysis, design and operation of manufacturing always!) by the advocacy of shareholders, leadership supply chains is applied across sectors from food and teams and employees to produce more sustainable healthcare to automotive and aerospace. goods and prioritise sustainability. However, it can be challenging for companies to include Exploring the di昀昀erent options throughout the broader Scope 3 goals and consider the impact of manufacturing value chain is important when it comes their products’ usage in their supply chain operations. to creating more sustainable operations. Figure 1 Achieving this requires a thorough assessment of (below) provides examples of interventions that can various product designs, production methods and shape future supply chain con昀椀gurations, such as supply chain set-ups. Key areas to focus on include exploring alternative renewable feedstocks, evaluating alternative materials and energy sources, production new production processes or developing supply chain processes, delivery methods and the product’s scenarios that promote circular business models. Figure 1. Example intervention strategies in delivering sustainable supply networks Source: courtesy of Srai, J.S.