SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 21 Drivingchange IN PURSUIT OF COBALT-FREE BATTERIES The increasing demand for electric vehicles Embracing a multidisciplinary approach has led to an increase in the demand for Multidisciplinary research is proving to be a game cobalt, which is used in Li-ion battery changer in advancing electrochemical energy storage cathodes. However, concerns about the research. Professor Michael de Volder, who leads the environment, ethics and the challenges IfM’s Nanomanufacturing Group, believes this approach inherent in cobalt production are motivating is paving the way for the creation of devices that can deliver quick and e昀케cient electrical energy: “When I researchers to explore alternatives. started working on batteries about 10 years ago, they Head of the Institute for Manufacturing’s seemed to be a simple set of anodes and cathodes Nanomanufacturing Group, Professor Michael plunged in an electrolyte. However, I quickly realised de Volder, sheds light on the pioneering that the simple battery schematics we learned at school e昀昀orts to eliminate cobalt from electric are deceptively simple, and the operation of a modern battery is nothing short of a chemistry and engineering vehicle batteries, o昀昀ering a glimpse into a miracle. This explains why the invention of the Li-ion more sustainable era for electric mobility. battery was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2019.”