SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 4 Making 琀栀e invisible visible Studies show that people manage their spending more carefully when they pay by cash rather than card. Cash is visible and tangible, and wasting it feels harder to do. Based on industrial sustainability work with countless In the 1980s some researchers believed that we had manufacturers over many years, Professor Steve Evans, two centuries to tackle the issue of climate change, of the IfM’s Centre for Industrial Sustainability (CIS), but not everyone agreed with this prediction. Over has concluded that this principle applies to other the following decades, the tireless e昀昀orts of those resources too. He regularly observes that electricity, who dissented against this view helped to shift compressed air, water and surplus materials hide in perceptions. Unfortunately, climate change continued plain sight in factories – in cables, tanks, pipes and to worsen during this time because of a lack of skips – and are consequently wasted. However, when consensus and inadequate action. We now face a these resources are made more visible, their perceived crisis that we are not prepared for, which demands a value increases, resulting in more careful management. large-scale transformation of our industrial systems. This is a positive development for the environment, the In 2011 Professor Steve Evans established the CIS at climate and the 昀椀nancial bottom line. the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) to facilitate this change, and he has since observed some promising developments.

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