SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT | 18 Discovering motivating factors Creating KPIs that deliver worker engage- For the system to work, Raynor Foods 昀椀rst needed to ment and environmental impact discover the rewards that would be meaningful to their Employees can win the rewards in a variety of ways, workforce. This process involved Ergün interviewing including meeting KPIs, with performance monitored 8–10 “Sustainability Ambassadors” appointed by the by digital game links that they wear around their necks. company. This enabled him to get a good idea of areas It was important that the game be fair, inclusive and that were important to employees and then design a positive in nature so they can never lose points. And survey that was shared with the entire workforce. This at the most basic level they can gain them for simply covered a range of questions from what motivated coming to work on time. employees to what worried them and how they would like to improve themselves. Managers have emphasised how personal KPIs are linked to business KPIs, for instance energy use. “If we “A 昀氀exible work–life balance was the top motivating go into the warehouse or goods area, we incentivise factor, which came as a surprise to management people to keep the doors shut as long as possible because money had always seemed a prime concern because 80% of our energy is used in refrigeration when questions were asked on the shop 昀氀oor,” says and freezer systems,” says Tom. As a lot of energy is Ergün. “Personal development, a supportive working used in melting cheese for the company’s “croque top” environment, recognition and appreciation, and products, KPIs are also linked to that particular team to challenging and meaningful work were other important encourage more e昀케cient working practices. factors.” Linking business and personal KPIs took on added “Ergün has been brilliant in sitting down and doing signi昀椀cance during the project when Raynor Foods interviews, workshops, walkabouts and gathering data changed from being a family-owned business to an to understand everyone’s individual motivations, and employee-owned trust. “We’re all colleagues now. how the rewards can then recognise that,” says Tom. We have monthly colleague forums, which include representatives from across the business, where we “It’s not all about money. We’ve learnt that. It’s about meet up and discuss how we can improve things,” achievement, recognition, development, and wanting explains Tom. more quality time with their families, such as having holidays or trips to the zoo paid for,” says Tom. Certain This greater agency within the company has also played desires, such as dinner with the managing director, into other ways that employees can win points, such as donations to charities and even English lessons have coming up with ideas that can help the organisation’s been particularly surprising. sustainability goals. If an idea is implemented, points are then awarded according to the percentage of CO2 Armed with this information, the team went into emissions they save. Employees can also win points by workshops with management to look at ideas for the investing in themselves by taking courses, including reward and recognition systems, a process that entailed English language classes for non-native speakers to aligning budgets with the promises that could be made. help them better integrate into the company. Ideas that came out of the workshops included a dream prize ra昀툀e, which would make somebody’s Once the gami昀椀cation aspect is fully operational, there dream come true, a company-wide factory celebration will be a phone app that allows employees to log in and day, paid training and additional holidays. check their progress, CO2 savings and scores. “My feeling is that once the gami昀椀cation programme is fully deployed and people start getting recognised and rewarded, it’s going to seem like a very attractive thing to the whole workforce,” says Ergün.