MESSAGE FROM “IF YOU DO NOT THINK ABOUT YOUR THE EXECUTIVE FUTURE, YOU CANNOT HAVE ONE.” DIRECTOR JOHN GALSWORTHY As the Executive Director of the IAM National Bene昀椀t Funds Of昀椀ce, it is my privilege to address you about a journey that holds signi昀椀cant importance for each one of us — the journey to retirement. Retirement is a milestone that marks the culmination of years of dedication and hard work. It represents not just an end, but the be- ginning of a new chapter 昀椀lled with opportunities to pursue passions, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The Journey to Retirement can take many forms but one thing is for certain, it’s never too late to start preparing. For over half a century, the IAM National Bene昀椀t Funds Of昀椀ce has played a meaningful role in supporting a diverse group of IAMAW members and their families as they prepare for their retirement adventure. We help promote stability by providing robust retirement and healthcare bene昀椀ts to our recipients. The IAM National Bene昀椀t Funds Of昀椀ce consists of the IAM National Pension Fund, the IAM National 401k Plan, and the National IAM Bene昀椀t Trust Fund. Together, we are One Fund that is focused on operational excellence and procedural prudence. Our mission is to provide core retirement and healthcare bene昀椀ts to our par- ticipants while continuously striving to enhance the customer experience along the way. At the Bene昀椀t Funds Of昀椀ce, we are committed to walking this path with you, providing the guidance and support necessary to ensure that your retirement is as ful昀椀lling and secure as possible. In this edition of the Journey to Retirement Magazine, we dive into game-changing articles that reveal the critical importance of your bene昀椀ts throughout your career. Uncover the life-saving value of preventive care and annual wellness exams for your long-term health. Learn the importance of naming bene昀椀ciaries and securing your assets from cyber criminals. This magazine is a resource that offers guidance on how to achieve a more secure and prosperous future. Get ready to be informed, inspired, and empowered like never before! We hope you 昀椀nd this information both insightful and engaging. Thank you for letting us be YOLANDA D. MONTGOMERY a part of your journey! Executive Director CONTENTS CHARTING THE COURSE SETTING SAIL 01 Message from our Executive Director 03 An Early Start: Ryen’s Story The Bene昀椀t Funds Of昀椀ce: Through the Decades 04 Shifting Direction: Debra’s Story 05 Wealth in Health: Amar’s Story NOTE: This page has been revised as of July 2024.