2010 2020 By 2020, The IAM National Bene昀椀t Funds Of昀椀ce In 2010, the IAM National Pension Fund relocates to its current headquarters in Southeast, celebrates its 50th anniversary. Washington, DC. The IAM National Pension Plan voluntarily elects to adopt a Rehabilitation Plan to maintain the By 2015, the IAM National Pension Fund long-term 昀椀nancial soundness of the plan. has over $10 billion in assets under management. The IAM National 401(k) Plan has By the end of 2021, the IAM National Pension 25,794 participant accounts and Fund pays bene昀椀ts to over 116,000 retirees and more than $396 million in assets under reaches $15 billion in assets under management. management. The IAM National 401(k) Fund has 30,905 The National IAM Bene昀椀t Trust Fund has participant accounts and $743 million in assets 170 contributing employers. under management. The National IAM Bene昀椀t Trust Fund reaches over 200 contributing employers. May 2022, the IAM National Pension Fund and IAM National 401(k) Fund transition to a new bene昀椀ts administration platform, V3locity. In 2023, the National IAM Bene昀椀t Trust Fund will begin its transition to V3locity. CONTENTS NAVIGATING THE WAY PAGE 03: SETTING SAIL 07 Preventive Care: Keeping Your Health A昀氀oat 08 Staying the Charted Course: A Retirement Readiness Routine Maintenance Plan 09 Bridging the Gap: Income Security in Retirement SEARCHING FOR A LIGHTHOUSE 10 Beyond Retirement: Bene昀椀ts for Your Survivor(s) 11 Safeguarding Your Personal Assets: Cybersecurity & You 12 Top Five Risks Rocking the Boat to Retirement Readiness DISCOVERING NEW LAND 14 Freedom & Fun in Retirement: Current Trends for Age 50-Plus