In the summer of 2022, during my annual workshop held as part of Mediawave's Nyári Berek in Somogyfajsz, we began experimenting with sounds based on themes I had composed. This was done using only a traditional flute called the Low Whistle. The sound of this flute left plenty of room for other instruments and their sounds, towards the end of the piece. This compositional work started with a spontaneous and solitary improvisation from the first viewing of the film. Once this initial form had been established, I could try out anything with the other musicians. I could always go back to the initial inspiration. This way of proceeding ensured that we didn't lose the strength of the emotion. Of course, the directions evoked in the improvisation were reworked before being submitted to the orchestra. They were finalized in a simple score that already contained numerous musical forms just waiting to be further diversified. However, they all came from the same breath and retained the unity necessary for this kind of work. From left to right: Miquèu Montanaro, Attila Kis, Krokovay Nóra. Photo by Zsófia Makkai The first ensemble to perform these tunes was the traditional music group Figurás, which became Kaptza after the musicians' stay in the USA. It was a formation that was quite usual in this type of dance music, with a violin, an accompanying viola, a double bass and a cymbalom. During this workshop, Kaptza was augmented by two violins, a cello, an electric guitar, percussion and, of 103
Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education Page 103 Page 105