Christian Sebille with his electronics during a workshop. Photo by Zsófia Makkai So, by this stage, the initial music had already opened up to the sounds of rock (bass), Klezmer (accordion) and electro (real time) ... From this session came the idea of creating the ‘Mediawave Open Music Chamber Orchestra ’as part of the Mediawave foundation. MNKZ in Hungarian means ‘Mediawave Nyitott Kamara Zenekar’. This ensemble will perpetuate all our attempts, which of course did not begin with The Death of Dracula. I'll come back to the highlights of my collaboration with this cultural organization in the appendix. The application for and receipt of European funding under the Erasmus+ program enabled me to continue exploring creative avenues with a view to producing the film score, while training musicians in this particular expression and relying on experienced musicians. At this stage, I also felt the need to involve a classical string quartet in the project to provide a written link between the different types of music. Animato Quartet, an ensemble made up of young musicians, most of whom were still students, agreed to take part in the experiment. 106
Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education Page 106 Page 108