15 Reflective Evaluation Study Lost Analogue project process, and the results provided a clear picture of how the interdisciplinary collaboration was perceived (see Figure 2 below). Among the filmmakers, the majority rated the creative process very highly. Out of 27 participants, 16 described the process as outstanding, 9 found it good and only 2 rated it as average. This indicates that nearly 60% of the filmmakers found the experience enriching, while the rest were also generally satisfied, with no participants expressing major dissatisfaction. For the music ians, the feedback was similarly positive. Out of 11 musicians, 7 rated the creative process as outstanding, while the remaining 4 found it good. With 64% of the musicians considering the process to be outstanding , it is clear that the project fostered a rewarding creative environment for both filmmakers and musicians. Figure 2 Rat ing of the creative process as a whole by participant subgroups Source: LOST ANALOGUE project , project evaluation survey, 2024 In terms of involvement in the creative process ( see Figure 3 ), filmmakers also reported feeling deeply engaged. 14 out of 27 filmmakers felt completely involved in the process, while 9 indicated that they were involved to a great extent. Only 3 participants felt moderately involved and just 1 participant felt their involvement was limited. This suggests that most filmmakers experienced a high level of creative participation, with more than half feeling fully integrated into the project. Similarly, the musicia ns reported a strong sense of involvement. 5 out of 11 fel t completely involved, while another 4 felt engaged to a great extent. 2 musicians reported feeling moderately involved, but no one indicated feeling less connected than that. These results further indicate a cohesive and inclusive creative environment, where participants felt their contributions were valued and integral to the overall process. Figure 3 The feeling of involvement in the creative process 7 4 Musicians Outstanding Good 16 9 2 Filmmakers Outstanding Good Average

Celluloid Connections: Cultivating creative skills through analogue film and musical collaboration - Page 16 Celluloid Connections: Cultivating creative skills through analogue film and musical collaboration Page 15 Page 17