13 Reflective Evaluation Study Lost Analogue project hands - on experience with a medium rarely offered in contemporary film education, where logistical and financial constraints often limit analogue practice. For some, the cultural significance of the project heightened their interest, especially among Transylvanians who felt a sense of duty: As a Transylvanian, I felt obliged to participate in the making of a film about Dracula. Others were motivated by the chance to master new techniques and roles, like production management, an area some were handling for the first time. Teachers and experienced professionals shared a different perspective, drawn primarily by the opportunity to educate and inspire younger generations. The project allowed them to guide youngsters in appreciating the origins of filmmaking and the creative rigour required in analogue work. One teacher described their goal as to motivate young professionals , to increase their knowledge of film analogue techniques, [and] to encourage artistic sophistication Others were enthusiastic about preserving analogue te chniques, viewing this as an opportunity to counter the marginalisation of celluloid in modern film education: Analogue filmmaking is increasingly being marginalised, so I felt it was valuable to have the opportunity to work and experiment with this technique. The Dracula story itself was an additional draw, its historic and iconic resonance making it a unique creative endeavour , as noted by both filmmaker teachers and musicians. Musicians, in particular, were excited to get to know making film scores for the first time, a genre largely unfamiliar to them: I was excited to get a taste of the world of film music, one shared. Many musicians saw this as a valuable experience to blend structured scoring with improvisation, something rarely encountered in classica l music settings: This genre of music is relatively unusual for us and therefore not the most comfortable, [but] we accepted the challenge The chance to work with Miqu Montanaro, the projects composer, further boosted their enthusiasm : At the beginning of the project, I didnt know exactly what it was going to be about, I just understood that Montanaro was the composer and that you had to improvise alongside the written music, and I wanted to try and improve myself Reflections on the outcomes of these motivations varied. Young professionals largely felt their expectations were met, especially in gaining practical experience in all stages of analogue filmmaking, which they described as exciting and instructive For some, the project not only highlighted the mediums creative potential but also exposed them to its challenges: I consider myself lucky to have been involved in a project like this because it gave me the experience of shooting on celluloid. I learned about its advantages, disadvantages, potential problems and solutions
Celluloid Connections: Cultivating creative skills through analogue film and musical collaboration Page 13 Page 15