Meet Christoph Büren COLLecTIVE Agriculture has been under severe pressure for several years now, with volatile prices, a lack of competitiveness, geopolitical PRIDe! Not only is VIVESCIA Group meeting its turbulence and unpredictable weather again FINancIaL TARGetS, causing major disruption to the 2024 harvest. but we’re also demonstrating a dynamic What can be done? and C.B. spirit of InNOVaTIOn The TRANSITIONS programme is one part making tangible progress on issues, of the solution. Innovating and managing risk is CSR what farmers and farm managers do, and they’ll especially in our supply chains and on have to do it even more in the future. Looking ahead, and agreeing on effective actions to take themes relating to climate change, soil and biodiversity. together – that’s what our Cooperative is for! We need to take a systemic approach, leveraging genetics and varietal innovation, data, and robotics, if we’re to achieve a balance between CHRISTOPH BÜREN maintaining yields, being competitive, protecting the environment, restoring biodiversity, and PRESIDENT OF VIVESCIA GROUP building resilience in the face of climate change. We all have a role to play: the Cooperative, farmers and the wider industry, naturally, but also the authorities, as they chart a course for French and European agriculture and the food industry, and set the conditions for competitiveness. Simplifying standards in our sector and ensuring the sovereignty of inputs such as nitrogen fertilisers are major priorities. Farmers need to dare to be enterprising, both individually and collectively with VIVESCIA. This year, TRANSITIONS has gone well beyond the pilot stage, with 230 VIVESCIA farmers coming on board in autumn 2024 to make a Looking ahead, what direction will the Group total of 420 farmers. What’s more, the coalition take? of customers and partners has expanded. Its robust agronomic model and use of data make this programme all the more credible and C.B. To answer that question, we need to go effective. I’m also very proud that TRANSITIONS back to our roots a century ago and to our raison has officially won the support of the French d’être. VIVESCIA is a cooperative group that was authorities, through France 2030. TRANSITIONS built on close ties with its regions and with a view is a long-term, open-source programme that to creating value for its cooperative members, produces grain and data as proof of concept for farm managers who are currently facing new more sustainable farming techniques. Again, economic and climatic challenges along with the programme is designed to be replicable profound sociological shifts. VIVESCIA is aligning and to extend beyond VIVESCIA’s territory. its future vision to these new conditions. We’re It’s absolutely vital that we establish a shared going to keep up this momentum of change, language around regenerative agriculture and focusing on key areas such as supply chains, the reach a consensus on business models. VIVESCIA agro-ecological transition, partnerships, and can, and must, contribute to this – and that’s what shared resource management. We’re already hard we’re doing with TRANSITIONS. at work! CONSOLIDATED REPORT 2023-2024 15

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