CLUB FRANCINE, A 100%-VIVESCIA SUPPLY CHAIN Attentive to the needs of consumers, our Our food processing customers’ iconic brand, Francine, is continually changing main expectations are around to remain relevant for more than 10 million French households, and is committed looking decarbonisation, biodiversity, soil health, after people and natural resources for a more and local sourcing – to meet consumers’ Asustainable future. With Club Francine, it is now also promoting more virtuous farming expectations in that respect; everyone is practices. Club Francine works with 316 VIVESCIA rushing to find solutions. Cooperative members who are committed to growing wheat according to specifications that are in line with VIRGINIE HEBERT , Purchasing Director, level II environmental standards. It also organises meetings and events to connect the field and the fork. Grands Moulins de Paris On the agenda this year: a visit to Reims mill, publications about the brand, discussions about agronomy and, in 2025, farm open days with consumers to celebrate th Francine’s 60 anniversary. The VIVESCIA Cooperative was a natural Celebrating farmers partner given how close they are to on the pack! our mill. This collaboration guarantees reliable sourcing of high-quality local The brand’s flagship product, its T45 wheat flour, boasts wheat while being in line with our a brand-new packaging. A label on the front of the pack CSR commitments around sustainable now advertises Francine’s specific wheat sourcing, with text on the back explaining what is special about the development and supporting the local wheat used as well as quotes from farmers their pride economy. in contributing to it. This product represents more than 40% of Francine’s annual volumes, making it a real opportunity to talk to French consumers about P AUL VENARD, Purchasing Manager the wheat-flour value chain! for Signy-l’Abbaye mill Nearly VIVESCIA cooperative farmers have signed agreements with Signy-l’Abbaye for a 100%-local, premium wheat-flour-bread 100 value chain. 24

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