LINK in motion OUR CONNECTIONS OUR CONNECTIONS TO PEOPLE TO OUR INDUSTRIES AND REGIONS HEALTH AND WELL-BEING GRAIN AND VALUE CHAINS IN THE WORKPLACE > Grow our value chains by combining > P rovide a safe workplace where innovation and sustainability. well-being is paramount by preventing > Responsible sourcing of ingredients psychosocial hazards and creating for our products and a search for natural a stronger safety culture ingredients. TALENT FROM THE FIELD TO YOUR KITCHEN > B oost the Group’s employer brand and WITH FRANCINE increase colleague employability > Pursue the construction of an DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION intra-group Francine sourcing chain and coordinate the brand’s global social > A ctively promote equality of opportunity, responsibility programme. gender equality, diversity and inclusion VIVESCIA’S COMMITMENT TO QUALITY CULTURE > G uarantee food safety at every stage of > P romote a Group culture and cultivate production and develop continuous improvement processes while anticipating our unique cooperative farming DNA. future challenges. DEVELOPING THE LOCAL ECONOMY AND SHARING KNOW-HOWS > Drive a dynamic and inclusive economy in the Cooperative’s territory. > Strengthen the positive impact of our French and international production facilities on local communities. > Share our knowledge and know-how, contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and the sustainability of agricultural professions. > Ensure we always do business > U se effective governance and transparently and ethically. constructive dialogue with our stakeholders to make sustainable development an integral part of how we do business CONSOLIDATED REPORT 2023-2024 31