SBTI-certified targets for 2030 CLImatE - Benchmark year 2021 CHANGE: SCOPE 1 AND 2 42% MITIGATIoN reduction in absolute direct and GHG emissions aDAPTATIoN These are the two sides of our response. They are SCOPE 3 interdependent because, faced with the challenge 29% of climate change, our answers must be systemic: we are innovating, we are reinventing how we reduction operate and devising new forms of cooperation in absolute indirect GHG within our agri-food value chains. In parallel emissions1 with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, VIVESCIA is working on the fundamental challenge In accordance with the SBTi’s guidance, of adapting to the impact of climate change, which VIVESCIA has also set non-deforestation is also already visible – this is the second pillar of targets for all its main raw materials the Group’s climate strategy. that may be concerned, for 31 December 2025. INDICATORS AT 30 JUNE 2024 % 4.1 n mid-June, the Science Based Targets initiative VIVESCIA Group’s climate (SBTi) officially certified VIVESCIA Group’s commitments are robust reduction in scope 2030 climate change mitigation targets. 1, 2 and 3 emissions, VIVESCIA Group signed up to SBTi in February roadmaps and structured for and a 12.5% reduction 2023, making climate change a key priority. each business on ambitious in scope 1 and 2 I The result of work started more than two projects and actions that emissions years ago involving all VIVESCIA’s teams, the (compared to benchmark Group’s climate roadmap aims to quantify, evaluate, year 2020-2021) target our most significance model and implement ways to reduce GHG emissions. emission sources. Our climate It was approved in the autumn of 2022 by the Board commitment means all striving of Administrators and the Executive Committee based on two unifying targets for 2030. together towards shared objectives. 1. The reduction breaks down as follows: a 25% reduction in scope 3 emissions 6.8 (excluding FLAG and - 30.3 % including FLAG (Forest, Land and Agriculture: JEANNE-MARIE CARRÉ The new sector-based carbon methodology launched in 2023)). VIVESCIA Group MtCO e CSR Manager 2 in scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions vs 7.1 MtCO₂e (benchmark year 2020-2021) 32

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