Going further SUMMARY of oUR COMmItMentS, oUR obJeCtIVeS aNd oUR MAIN INdICATORS CONNECTIONS ARE CENTRAL TO OUR COOPERATIVE BUSINESS MODEL COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS AND CSR GOVERNANCE AT 30 JUNE AT 30 JUNE COMMITMENTS KPIS OBJECTIVES 2023 2024 % compliance with the recommendations of the 100% 84% 84% Aim for excellence in cooperative governance HCCA governance guide for cooperatives in 2023 to guarantee the long-term survival of our business model Number of meetings with the young farmers’ Launched in 2 4 committee over the past year March 2023 meetings meetings 100% Ensure we always do business % of targeted employees who have received on 30 Sept. Launched in 78.5% training on corporate ethics transparently and ethically 2023-2024 2024 3 3 Number of group CSR committee meetings/year 3/year Use effective governance and constructive (2022-2023 (2023-2024 dialogue with our stakeholders to make period) period) sustainable development an integral part 2 2 of how we do business Number of board and Exco CSR workshops/year 2/year (2022-2023 (2023-2024 period) period) OUR CONNECTION TO THE EARTH OUR CLIMATE COMMITMENTS AT 30 JUNE AT 30 JUNE COMMITMENTS KPIS OBJECTIVES 2023 2024 COe reduction by 2030 - 42% Reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 2 - 3.3% - 12.5% Baseline 2021 by 2030 Reduction of the Group’s total carbon - 4.1% COe reduction by 2030 - 29% 2 * footprint (scopes 1, 2 and 3) in accordance Baseline 2021 by 2030 Based on with the Paris climate agreement 2022-2023 data Forecasting study carried out on the Cooperative Evaluate the impact of climate change territory on crops in the Cooperative territory 20 different and our sourcing regions in France pedoclimatic regions and around the world, and develop Adaptation plan adaptation plans currently being defined *New indicator for 2023-2024. CONSOLIDATED REPORT 2023-2024 61

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