A scientific conference hIGHLIGHTS... IN THE LOOKING aHEaD, BUT WITHIN PLANetArY FIELD LIMITS “To address global hunger and environmental challenges … held during Les Céréalistes, VIVESCIA’s event simultaneously, we must operate within the framework of planetary boundaries. on innovation in large-scale field crops organised This means reconciling things that, from 3 to 6 June in Somme-Vesle. at first glance, appear irreconcilable, which means we need to imagine bespoke solutions. Each region and SOIL, CARBON, BIODIVERSITY: WHAT SYNERGIES each farm must find its own way. ARE POSSIBLE FOR FARMS? TOWARDS A SYSTEMIC The TRANSITIONS programme is a great APPROACH… model in this respect.” CHRISTIAN HUYGHE Several concrete themes were on the agenda: Why and Scientific Director for Agriculture at the INRAE how to regenerate soil and store organic carbon. What for and in what framework? How to manage biodiversity THINKING SYSTeMICaLLY in agri-systems and regions that cultivate large-scale field aNd COLLecTIVELY crops? As VIVESCIA’s President, Christoph Büren, said: “We need healthy soils. Soil is the S“The conclusion is clear: there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. cornerstone of terrestrial ecosystem We need to look for incremental effects, and therefore to work services! Moreover, soil fertility is the together, and we must be able to put dogma aside!” only lever truly within human control. Everyone should be free to choose their own path. What matters is that we adopt a systemic approach and harness collective intelligence. Everyone benefits!” 330 PASCAL BOIVIN farmers, customers, press WATCH Professor at HES-SO Geneva and partners. THE FULL CONFERENCE “Among the many benefits of HERE! biodiversity, pollinators play an essential role. There is a great diversity of insect species, each of which has complementary niche functions. Functional agrobiodiversity helps to improve yields, crop quality, the environment, and human health and well-being.” THOMAS DAMESTOY Thomas Damestoy, professor and researcher in ecology and entomology at UniLaSalle Beauvais “There are clear synergies to be found between protecting biodiversity and maintaining yields. But you can’t improve what you can’t measure.” MICHEL-PIERRE FAUCON Michel-Pierre Faucon, professor and researcher in plant ecology and agro-ecology and Director of Research at UniLaSalle Beauvais. 22

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