Retrospective Welcome 2023 to the 2023 Wheat route! Grands Moulins de Paris’s new wheat routes introduce VIVESCIA customers to the May 2023 May-June 2023 wheat-昀氀our-bread value chain. This year, some have even come as far as the USA and the Middle East to learn more about our region and our know-how! TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE 2023 WHEAT ROUTES, SCAN THIS QR CODE June 2023 In Francine TWO BRONZE there is RACINE MEDALS FOR LINK BY VIVESCIA VIVESCIA received two prizes at the third edition of the Good Économie Awards, launched by The Good, a key B2B media player in the ecological and social transition. LINK received awards for the simpli昀椀ed carbon footprint analysis, in the “Reducing carbon 83% of French consumers want brands to emissions” category, and the wheat drive, in the “Social impact” category. take real action. With RACINE, we are proud to commit our iconic 昀氀our brand, Francine, to a socially responsible initiative developed with consumers! Four key aims: ➜ To embody VIVESCIA’s sustainable development policy. ➜ To meet consumer expectations. ➜ To ramp up our progress and innovation policy. ➜ To reinforce our credibility and making it a point of difference. 58

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 60 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 59 Page 61