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FOSTERING CONNECTIONS 8 September 2023: the launch of the programme at the Châlons-en-Champagne Agricultural fair TRANSITIONS inspires a new spirit of cooperation between stakeholders in the plant and grain industries. TRANSITIONS is an optimistic and positive vision of a collective that believes in proactive, sustainable and high-performance agriculture. Your Cooperative and the first customers that decided to support TRANSITIONS by buying the first tonnes of grain — Avril and its subsidiary Saipol, Tereos, Roquette, with the STRONG, PERSONALISED SUPPORT: companies of VIVESCIA Industries, and with our A KEY FACTOR OF SUCCESS other partners — launched a movement made The support and training for farmers involved relies with and for farmers, a coalition of the willing on expert teams on the ground: around 30 trained, who share the same language and is destined expert VIVESCIA sales representatives have to grow. Our partner customers are convinced volunteered, backed up by agronomic experts. that everything starts in the field with you, to The individual and collective support focuses on rise to the challenge of climate change, food the trtraceabilityaceability of farming practices — which is production and energy. essential for providing robust information to our customers — adviceadvice, and the development of an CHRISTOPH BÜREN individual action planindividual action plan to help the farmers improve President of the Group on targeted indicators. SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL SUPPORT The agricultural transition is above all TRANSITIONS’ 昀椀nancial model is based on sharing thesharing the about finding solutions to de-risk farming. cost with downstream food processing customers.cost with downstream food processing customers. Changing farming practices while The entire value chain of large-scale 昀椀eld crops is maintaining yields implies two levels of involved, including the companies of VIVESCIA Industries and the Cooperative’s other partners protection — to ensure financial security — customers who are themselves committed to for farmers and the technical reliability of decarbonising their value chain by 2030 and protecting the solutions offered. biodiversity. Each farmer involved in the project bene昀椀ts from signi昀椀cant 昀椀nancial support*. VALÉRIE FRAPIER Head of CSR and director of the TRANSITIONS programme ROBUST DATA AND DIGITALISATION: THE CORNERSTONE OF THE TRANSITIONS PROGRAMME Improving farming practices CUSTOMER REPORTS VIVESCIA DATABASE Higher crop prices *Compensation for results and progress: on average €100 per hectare for level I (start) and €150 per hectare for level II (performance) per year based on the crops concerned: a premium in euros per tonne of grain that exceeds the additional costs of agronomic measures taken. 31

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 33 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 32 Page 34