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A collective effort that brings together plant and grain industries upstream and downstream in an ambitious, innovative programme in terms of its agronomic approach and financing model. he aim is, by 2026, to help Faced with climate change and nearly 1,000 farmers in the the challenges of feeding future north-east of France transition to Tregenerative, productive farming populations, as well as the need methods that promote soil health and to meet the expectations of our biodiversity to protect the planet and markets, consumers and citizens, combat climate change. 200 VIVESCIA cooper200 VIVESCIA cooperativative memberse members VIVESCIA and its partners decided to hahavve committed to the project for threee committed to the project for three shake things up with TRANSITIONS, yyears, starting with the 2024 harvears, starting with the 2024 harvest.est. the first large-scale programme of A SOLID AND SYSTEMIC its kind in France. AGRONOMIC FOUNDATION TRANSITIONS is above all about progress, it’s not just an nth quality label… It was designed to work at the leIt was designed to work at the levvel ofel of the farm and its crop rotationthe farm and its crop rotation. It has robust technical agronomic foundations 2023: TRANSITIONS BY based on standards that are recognised by the authorities. It is destined to change in line with the regulations and to re昀氀ect the VIVESCIA MAKES ITS latest scienti昀椀c understanding. It is based FIRST STEPS on performance indicators. Farmers, who choose to join the programme for a three-year period, undertake to implement various measures (cover crops, using new forms of nitrogen, crop rotation, etc.), to show progress on various agronomic indicators and to achieve prede昀椀ned environmental results: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, soil resilience, carbon sequestration and the protection of biodiversity. They remain free to choose their own farming practices based on their soil, the local climate and their business model. 30

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 32 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 31 Page 33