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A partnership between INRAE and VIVESCIA for agri-photovoltaics VIVESCIA was the first cooperative to join this consortium created by the national centre for research, innovation and Abraham Escobar Gutiérrez, President of the INRA’s centre in the Nouvelle- education on agri-photovoltaics, managed by the INRAE. 50 Aquitaine-Poitiers region and director of the National research Centre for Agri- stakeholders from the research, training and energy sectors photovoltaics; Christian Huyghe, INRAE’s Scientific director for agriculture; have already committed to this initiative about the synergies Philippe Mauguin, the CEO of INRAE; with Christoph Büren and Savine between agriculture and energy production: a welcome Oustrain, on 8 September 2023 at the Châlons agricultural fair. diversification for farmers to help them offset the impact of climate incidents and market volatility. The agreement will facilitate experiments across the Cooperative region and will 2 INITIATIVES TO PREPARE help us with capacity building. FOR THE FUTURE Launch of the TRANSITIONS “Projection climatique 2030”: programme a study launched in October 2022 Our agronomy and CSR teams are working to anticipate climate scenarios for the Cooperative and its regions by 2030, to 昀椀nd the right technical solutions for the future. The digitalisation of farming Arterre – the VIVESCIA Cooperative’s extranet for its members – now has a mobile app: The first mobile app for cooperatives in France! It was designed to meet their mobility needs with a simple user interface. It provides the latest news, geo-localised weather forecasts, grain trading prices, tracks deliveries… and much more. There are already 2,700 happy users. Launch of the e-commerce site, which gives access to all the Cooperative’s products and services. 14

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 16 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 15 Page 17