Background Information The Take PrEP & Take Charge campaign was created by the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center (FXB Center) at the Rutgers School of Nursing and launched on July 1, 2024, through funding from the New Jersey Department of Health. The campaign is aligned with New Jersey’s plan to end HIV entitled “A Strategic Plan to End the HIV Epidemic in New Target Audience Jersey by 2025.” This plan represents a commitment by the state of New Jersey to end its HIV epidemic by reducing the The campaign is targeted to Black and Hispanic number of new HIV infections by 75% through increased heterosexual cisgender women, ages 18 and up, who live in access to testing, treatment, and prevention. nine cities in northern New Jersey. PrEP is for people who do not have HIV. It is a medication Objectives that is a safe and highly e昀昀ective way to prevent HIV; it The campaign’s objectives are to 1) increase awareness can be taken discretely without fear or shame. HIV-related about PrEP among the target audience and 2) drive the stigma is a barrier that prevents people at risk for HIV from target audience to the website for information accessing the care they need to stay healthy and prevent and resources. HIV transmission. Recent data shows that women account for greater than Challenges 20% of new HIV diagnoses in New Jersey, and greater than The campaign team was fully assembled in early January 80% of HIV acquisitions among women are attributed to 2024 and had six months to research, develop, and prepare heterosexual contact with a male partner. With PrEP, women the campaign for launch and dissemination. The team can take charge of their sexual health. However, most initially planned to use photographs of women in the women do not know what PrEP is, and if they do, they do targeted communities to remain inclusive and representative not think it’s for them. Most of the PrEP marketing is for men of the women’s various skin complexions, styles, body types, who have sex with men or transgender women; heterosexual and body sizes. However, given the short timeframe, the cisgender women are largely left out of the conversation, the team had to pivot to stock photos to pair with the messages. images, and the messaging. The Take PrEP & Take Charge With the selected images, this solution proved successful, as campaign aspires to change that. evident by early campaign data and feedback.