Marketing Effectiveness Entry - Take PrEP: Take Charge!
This document is an HIV prevention awareness campaign showcasing creatives, ads, and promotional materials for effective online marketing and advertising, organized by Rutgers Health School of Nursing.
Take PrEP Take Charge! An HIV Prevention Awareness Campaign Communicator Awards Marketing E昀昀ectiveness - Online Marketing & Advertising Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 1
Background Information The Take PrEP & Take Charge campaign was created by the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center (FXB Center) at the Rutgers School of Nursing and launched on July 1, 2024, through funding from the New Jersey Department of Health. The campaign is aligned with New Jersey’s plan to end HIV entitled “A Strategic Plan to End the HIV Epidemic in New Target Audience Jersey by 2025.” This plan represents a commitment by the state of New Jersey to end its HIV epidemic by reducing the The campaign is targeted to Black and Hispanic number of new HIV infections by 75% through increased heterosexual cisgender women, ages 18 and up, who live in access to testing, treatment, and prevention. nine cities in northern New Jersey. PrEP is for people who do not have HIV. It is a medication Objectives that is a safe and highly e昀昀ective way to prevent HIV; it The campaign’s objectives are to 1) increase awareness can be taken discretely without fear or shame. HIV-related about PrEP among the target audience and 2) drive the stigma is a barrier that prevents people at risk for HIV from target audience to the website for information accessing the care they need to stay healthy and prevent and resources. HIV transmission. Recent data shows that women account for greater than Challenges 20% of new HIV diagnoses in New Jersey, and greater than The campaign team was fully assembled in early January 80% of HIV acquisitions among women are attributed to 2024 and had six months to research, develop, and prepare heterosexual contact with a male partner. With PrEP, women the campaign for launch and dissemination. The team can take charge of their sexual health. However, most initially planned to use photographs of women in the women do not know what PrEP is, and if they do, they do targeted communities to remain inclusive and representative not think it’s for them. Most of the PrEP marketing is for men of the women’s various skin complexions, styles, body types, who have sex with men or transgender women; heterosexual and body sizes. However, given the short timeframe, the cisgender women are largely left out of the conversation, the team had to pivot to stock photos to pair with the messages. images, and the messaging. The Take PrEP & Take Charge With the selected images, this solution proved successful, as campaign aspires to change that. evident by early campaign data and feedback.
Methods and Strategies Campaign Objective 1. The campaign tagline, Take PrEP & Take Charge, paired Increase awareness about PrEP among with images to represent the four sub-taglines Protect Our the target audience. Future, You Never Know, Show Yourself Some Love, and It’s • 4,752,704 views of in-home campaign (see Table 1) Not Just for Men, are meant to convey messages of self-love, sex positivity, inclusivity, safety, and highlight the reality of Campaign Objective 2. risk. Available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, the Take PrEP & Take Charge campaign features a robust in Drive the target audience to the home digital marketing plan that reaches the target audience website. through ads on Facebook and Instagram, Google Display and Search ads, YouTube ads, and programmatic display • Site sessions increased by 18,189% after launch of ads. Every ad placement includes a link to, the campaign when comparing April-June and July- the dedicated NJ Ends the HIV Epidemic initiative website, September website usage data, showing that the so women can learn more about PrEP and locate a PrEP audience is taking action to learn more about PrEP for provider. women. To maximize results, in-home digital campaign components • Total Site sessions from April 1-June 30, 2024: 154 were reviewed and tweaked monthly, if necessary, based • Total Site sessions from July 1-September 30, 2024: on the previous month’s performance and best practices. 28,165 Low-performing keywords, search phrases, and creatives • Site sessions have continued increasing each month were removed and/or replaced with more active ones since the campaign’s launch, showing audience for e昀昀iciency. The audience was targeted based on engagement is growing. demographics, geo area, and online search behaviors like • July 2024: 6,602 site sessions interest in dating apps, music & entertainment, health & • August 2024: 8,585 site sessions beauty services/products, food, clothing/fashion, and faith- • September 2024: 12,978 site sessions based activities; however, when necessary, new categories • The campaign webpage, PrEP4women, accounted for were added to increase the pool of prospective audience 96% of site sessions from July 1-September 30. members. • Other pages of the website experienced an increase in site sessions as well (the range of increases is from Results 12% to 1,065%) after the July 1 launch of the campaign, showing that this campaign is driving people to the The campaign is still active; however, the campaign’s website for more information in general. objectives have already been met, as evidenced by early • The in-home campaign’s click-through rates (CTR) reports of the in-home digital component of the campaign’s continue to meet or exceed industry standards. key performance indicators. Evaluation highlights from July Recipients of online ads are clicking on the ads to get to 1- September 30, 2024, include: the website. (See Table 1)
Table 1. Click Through Rates for In-Home Campaign Campaign Impressions Clicks CTR Google Search 150,276 6,614 4.4% Google Display 1,730,383 25,718 1.5% YouTube 132,857 1,142 .90% Facebook 742,906 7,402 1.0% Instagram 186,851 1,372 .73% Programmatic Display 1,809,431 4,486 .25% The Google campaigns exceeded industry standards for click-through rates, showing that the messages resonated with viewers and led them to click on the ads to get more information on Similarly, positive results were obtained through social media and programmatic display campaigns. Given the volume of in-home views, the percentage of the target audience clicking on our digital ads, and the drastic increase in site sessions, we conclude that the Take PrEP & Take Charge campaign has already achieved the objectives.
Take Charge Pran Bagay yo an Men Multilingual tome el control Ad Creatives Take Charge English • Spanish • Haitian Creole Pran Bagay yo an Men tome el control Take Charge Pran Bagay yo an Men tome el control Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 5 Take Charge Pran Bagay yo an Men tome el control
Series: You Never Know Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 6
Series: You Never Know Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 7
Series: You Never Know Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 8
Series: You Never Know Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 9
Series: Protect Our Future Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 10
Series: Protect Our Future Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 11
Series: Protect Our Future Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 12
Series: It’s Not Just For Men Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 13
Series: It’s Not Just For Men Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 14
Series: Show Yourself Some Love some love Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 15
Series: Show Yourself Some Love Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 16
Series: Illustration Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 17
Series: Illustration Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 18
Series: Illustration Spanish Haitian Creole Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 19
Google Search, Display & YouTube Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 20
Media Platform: Google Display Ads Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 21
Media Platform: Google Search Ads Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 22
Media Platform: Direct Link: YouTube Bumper Ads Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 23

Programmatic Display Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 24
Programmatic Display: Mobile & Desktop Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 25
Social Media: Facebook & Instagram Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 26
Social Media: Facebook & Instagram Rutgers School of Nursing | François-Xavier Bagnoud Center 27