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One of the primary objectives of the Moose Hide Campaign is to increase awareness about the “Every time someone wears the moose prevalence and impact of gender-based violence, hide, it sends a message that violence including domestic violence. By initiating conversations is unacceptable, and that change is and providing educational resources, the campaign possible. Our goal is to create a helps to break the silence and stigma that often cultural shift where respect and safety surround this issue. The campaign specifically calls on men and boys to be active participants in ending are the norms, not the exceptions.” gender-based violence, challenging harmful behaviors, promoting respectful relationships, and supporting Raven Lacerte women and girls in their communities. The Moose Hide Campaign relies upon community champions and partnerships to amplify its message and bring it to their own communities. Organizations with a strong commitment to advocacy and member welfare By promoting respect, safety, and support for play a crucial role in this endeavor, helping to enhance survivors, the Moose Hide Campaign is helping to the campaign's reach and impact. create a cultural shift where gender-based violence is no longer tolerated. It emphasizes the importance of LIUNA, with its long-standing commitment to individual and collective responsibility in ending advocating for workers' rights and improving the lives violence and building a society where everyone can live of its members, was a significant ally in sharing free from fear and harm. “The journey to end gender- information about the Campaign, as well as generously based violence is long and challenging, but every step supporting the distribution of pins at events. we take brings us closer to a future where everyone is safe and valued,” continued Raven Lacerte. “We all Gender-based violence affects everyone, regardless of have a role to play in making this vision a reality.” profession or background, and its impacts can be devastating on individuals and communities. By We encourage all members of the LIUNA to support endorsing and participating in the Moose Hide this important cause by ordering a moose hide pin, a Campaign, LIUNA helped raise awareness, promote free gift of Indigenous medicine, on the Moose Hide safe work environments, support affected members, Campaign website. By doing so, you take a stand and encourage male allies to stand up against violence. against gender-based violence and help spread the message of respect and safety for all. Together, we can In addition to its core initiatives, the Moose Hide make a difference and ensure a future where respect Campaign has introduced a new training program called and safety are fundamental rights for everyone. "We Are Medicine." This self-paced, 5-part learning journey invites everyday Canadians to discover how To support the Moosehide Campaign they can be medicine to end violence in their homes, communities, and workplaces. The program offers SCAN the QR or practical guidance supported by 90 minutes of video visit: content led by Indigenous Wisdom Carriers from across Turtle Island and the Moose Hide Campaign. "We Are Medicine" empowers individuals with the knowledge and tools to contribute to ending violence in Canada. 31 2 0 E U S S I | 4 2 0 2 R E B M E T P E S

LIUNA Western Canada Sub-Region Indigenous Magazine 2024. - Page 33 LIUNA Western Canada Sub-Region Indigenous Magazine 2024. Page 32 Page 34