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UNION 101 DDOO UUNINIOONSNS PPRROOVVIIDDEE GGEENDNDEERR WWAAGGEE EEQQUUIITTYY?? WHAT DO UNIONS DO? YES. Collective agreements ensure that there is no Unions act for workers to advance their interests, as a group, discrimination, harassment or bullying and that to improve their working conditions. With a union in the jobsites are inclusive. Collective agreements ensure all workplace, you and your coworkers can negotiate the terms of individuals are paid the same. your work (e.g. wages, schedules, overtime, pension and Unions are also credited for significantly increasing benefits to name a few) by creating a legally binding industry standard wage rates for all workers and agreement, called a Collective Agreement. creating wage equity in all sectors. WHY DO WORKERS ORGANIZE? LIUNA lobbying for Project Labour Agreements on Some of the most common reasons for unionizing a projects which ensure equity hiring provisions, giving workplace include: wages, sick days, medical benefits, pension everyone a fair change and leveling the playing field. benefits, inconsistent scheduling with a poor work/life balance, wage and tip theft, harassment or discrimination, ARE UNION WORKPLACES SAFER? workload, hiring/firing/promotion practices, an unsafe work environment and/or a lack of recognition. YES. Unionization is associated with a 25% lower rate of injury, according to a study by the Institute for Work and Health, which focused on the institutional, DOES THE UNION EMPLOY MEMBERS? commercial and industrial (ICI)construction sector and used workers’ compensation injury data from 2012 to LIUNA has a dispatch board and dispatches our members to 2018. employers that have labour service agreements with our Union. We do not employ our members directly. DOES LIUNA PROVIDE TRAINING TO MEMBERS? WORKING FOR WORKERS FOR OVER 100 YEARS YES. Training and education is a major priority for LIUNA. Our training facilities provide courses year round and additional Scan the QR code to mobile training offerings to ensure members in all areas of learn more. Canada have the training they need to keep their skills up-to- date. This keeps our members the most skilled in the industry. Source:

LIUNA Western Canada Sub-Region Indigenous Magazine 2024. - Page 35 LIUNA Western Canada Sub-Region Indigenous Magazine 2024. Page 34 Page 36