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Larry Villeneuve National Director LIUNA Indigenous Affairs ADVOCACY AND SUPPORT LIUNA’s role as a community champion extends beyond employment. We are involved in advocacy, philanthropic partnerships, and the support of Indigenous arts, culture, and language, all of which underscore our dedication to reconciliation. Indigenous LIUNA members have played a significant role in constructing some of the largest projects across Canada, a testament to their skills and contributions. While the journey towards reconciliation is complex and challenging, we remain hopeful. Increased awareness, education, ongoing collaboration, and partnerships with Indigenous communities provide reasons for hope. We are committed to making the changes needed for a better TTHHEE HHOOPPEE CCHHAANNGGEE BBRRIINNGGSS tomorrow, where Indigenous peoples are respected, their rights upheld, and their cultures celebrated—not just on In the last year, the Labourers' International Union of Indigenous Peoples Day or during National Indigenous North America (LIUNA) has remained dedicated to History Month in June, but every day. empowering Indigenous communities through our training programs, partnerships, outreach, and meaningful engagement. These initiatives represent the potential for change and the hope they offer to Indigenous communities. Indigenous LIUNA members have EXPANDING OUTREACH AND BUILDING played a significant role in constructing RELATIONSHIPS some of the largest projects across Canada, a testament to their skills and Over the last year we have hosted events that support contributions. Indigenous organizations and promote opportunity for community members, including; the Fort McMurray Chamber of Commerce and Jobs Canada, the LIUNA Local 92 sponsored Indigenous Experience at K-Days in Alberta and LIUNA Local 180’s concrete pad project to support As LIUNA continues to build on these efforts, the hope for the Indigenous Christian Fellowship ceremonial garden in a more inclusive and equitable future remains strong. The Saskatchewan. power of change, driven by collaboration and mutual respect, will undoubtedly pave the way for lasting positive LIUNA has been proactive in sourcing Indigenous workers impacts in the years to come. for our signatory companies across Western Canada to ensure that lucrative employment is accessible to HIY, HIY Indigenous communities. 2 PARTNERSHIPS AND FUTURE INITIATIVES Darcie Petuh 2 Larry Villeneuve 0 E Larry Villeneuve Darcie Petuh U LIUNA members and contractors are at the forefront of S National Director LIUNA LIUNA Western Canada S the energy transition and the change that it brings. We I | Indigenous Affairs Indigenous Liaison know the only way we move forward and are successful in 4 2 this transition is through partnership and involvement of 0 2 Indigenous communities and stakeholders. We are actively R E involved in the First Nation Power Authority Forums and B the LIUNA sponsored BC Natural Resource Forum. We are M E T committed to promoting sustainable development and job P E opportunities in emerging industries. S

LIUNA Western Canada Sub-Region Indigenous Magazine 2024. - Page 4 LIUNA Western Canada Sub-Region Indigenous Magazine 2024. Page 3 Page 5