Now, the question that many at Minimax would like answered! How should wine be store at home? This is a hard one to tailor for all – as each of us have differing amounts of space and storage options and conditions. To keep it as simple as possible it is best to 昀椀nd a space that will experience the least amount of temperature 昀氀uctuations and vibration. Those who store their wines under a staircase may want to reconsider their choice if there is a lot of stair usage. If you have a few wines that you are waiting for that special occasion to open, we suggest to create an occasion – why wait? Cook a beautiful meal, invite some friends around and feast. Also, what are the most important things to consider when pairing wine with food? Italian wine varieties are made to pair with food, their savouriness and gentle acidity help to bring out the 昀氀avours in the food, they compete less on the palate when compared to more fuller bodied wines. There are traditional wine and food matching rules, however, sometimes there isn’t time to create the ‘perfect’ match. With the fusion of 昀氀avours in food and array of wine varieties available to us now it is the perfect opportunity to experiment. If it isn’t perfect, does it matter?

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