265 YEARS - 11 GENERATIONS History of Innovation 2021 marks a momentous occasion for RIEDEL: the 265th year as a family-owned glassware business, creating what we believe to be the 昀椀nest glass for wine. RIEDEL has been revolutionising the world of glassware since 1756 but in 1986, they introduced the world’s 昀椀rst collection of grape varietal speci昀椀c glassware. RIEDEL glasses are designed to work with wine’s ‘DNA’ to show more depth and better balance. The innovative stemware has evolved to translate the “message” of wine to the human senses. The 昀椀nely-tuned bowl consists of three variables – shape, size and rim diameter - expertly workshopped to elevate your wine drinking experience. We invite you to explore the enhanced 昀氀avours that expertly crafted RIEDEL glasses will deliver to your tasting experience.

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