What type of whisky would Bourbon is speci昀椀cally an you recommend to someone American style of whiskey who is just starting on (usually spelt with an “e”) and their whisky journey? must be made in the United States from a base of at least We would generally recommend 51% corn instead of barley. It’s trying something that’s not too aged in brand new barrels, full-on in 昀氀avour and not too so it tends to be quite woody hard on the budget. Everyone’s in 昀氀avour. Scotch is mostly tastes are different, so we like aged in barrels that have been to ask a lot of questions: What used before for other things, kind of 昀氀avours do you like in a so it’s usually not as oaky. drink? Sweet? Smokey? Fruity? Light and refreshing? That way Why and how is Whisky aged? we can narrow down and 昀椀nd something everyone will enjoy. If whisky wasn’t aged, it would be moonshine, or what the Often, we’ll recommend trying Irish call “Poitín”, a rough a few whiskies by the half- and raw spirit without any nip so people can explore a colour. Putting the raw grain little more, or we’ll suggest spirit (all whisky is made from mixing a whisky with soda, or grains) into a wooden cask in a cocktail, to get a feel for does all sorts of fun things. what they’re going to enjoy. The spirit soaks into the What’s the difference wood and picks up 昀氀avour, between Scotch Whisky but the wood also acts as a and Bourbon Whiskey? 昀椀lter which removes some undesirable notes. Over time, Scotch whisky by law must the whisky gains texture, and come from Scotland and is the more volatile elements tend generally made from barley. to evaporate away. Whisky Within Scotch, there’s a is aged in all sorts of casks massive range of 昀氀avours and from freshly charred oak to styles from super light and casks that have previously approachable to big, bold, held wines or other whiskies. smoky, cask-strength whiskies, The result? An incredibly plus everything in-between! complex and diverse spirit. Could you please share with our readers some upcoming events? Some exciting upcoming events we have include intimate tastings with international guests like John McCheyne, the Global Ambassador for the Scotch Malt Whisky Society, and the launch of a new Australian whisky from Cape Byron Distillery in NSW. We’ve got some fun secret projects on the go for later in the year too, so anyone who wants to know more can sign up to our mailing list at www.whiskyandale.com.au and follow our social media at @whiskyandalement!