The Smore - a toasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched in Graham cracker is a classic, a camp昀椀re treat loved by the old and young alike. But like all classics we feel it may be a time to give the Smore a bit of a refresh so we have come up with list of ingredients that might help make you the master chef of the camp昀椀re. The The The The BAse ChOColate WoW NoN-NeGotiABLE This is the bread of Chocolate is essential This is the extra Don’t even think the Smore sandwich. but what kind of ingredient to send about making Smores chocolate will you your Smore to the without toasted choose? next level. marshmallow! Graham Milk PEaNUt Cracker ChOColate BUtTEr Oreo PePperMINT CAraMeL Biscuit Pattie SAUCE CAmPFirE ToaSteD ChOC-ChIP rEeCE’S PeANut SLiCED MArShmaLlOW COOkie BUtTEr cUP BANaNa PreTZeL WhiTE CriSpY ChOColate BACON